Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Politics of Globalistation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Politics of Globalistation - Essay Example As stated by Mark (25), the dominance of one state over others in terms of economic and socio-political power is known as hegemony. Since the end of Cold World War, the United States has played a significant role in globalisation as a hegemon. U.S’ hegemony was able to impose its rules on the international system, provide goods to the system such as an international economic, financial and commercial order as well as global security and political order (Higgott 148). In short, the United States was able to open up national borders to foreign influences like political, cultural, and economic; thus, promoting globalisation. For this reason, in a world no longer defined by U.S’ hegemony, globalisation would not sustain. Higgott (156) claims that hegemony is crucial in creating international institutions that supply public goods, to the international system. Such institutions include World Trade Organisation, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, The North Atlantic Treat y Organisation, and United Nations, among others. However, Mark (33) argues that the role played by these international institutions is not responsible for stability of the international economy. This is because once they start; they do not need any further controlling since they can survive on their own and other nations come to value and preserve them. However, the United States hegemony does not only set rules for other nations, but also creates international institutions that supply public goods (Bryane 21). According to Robinson (36), such public goods would not be provided unless there was a nation in the international system willing to pay the disproportionate cost to supply them. In the current international system, the United State is the only nation able to absorb the disproportionate cost and supply the public goods to the international community; thus, creating a stable international economy which has less conflicts and more open. However, even if the U.S’ disprop ortionately bears the costs alone, it stands to gain due to its dominant position in the international system. Cox (256) claims that, US hegemony has contributed largely to global security through its military force. Nevertheless, many nations claim that the U.S’ has caused a reduction in international security; hence, they view America as a threat and doubt its intentions. This has led to destabilisation of the international cooperation. However, according to Cox (261), US military hegemony does not weaken global security, but rather promotes international democracy and liberty leading to political stability. For instance, the American military has helped to protect Saudi Arabia from attacks in order to ensure free flow of oil to other nations. Moreover, the stability of U.S’ hegemony has helped to prevent countries such as Germany from developing their own nuclear weapons; thus, protecting Asia and other European nations from destructive security competition and arms races (Harry 43). Therefore, if United States withdraws from its dominant role in the world, globalisation would deteriorate drastically due to lack of international security. However, without protection of Middle East by the U.S’ military hegemony, the free flow of oil is likely to be interrupted by war, which would result in increased oil prices and affect the global economy. Thus, increased oil prices would force nations to use coal that can cause environmental catastrophes

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