Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 10

Personal Statement Example I may not be the brightest student, but I have always been especially proud of the dedication and fervor I possess for my study and work. My parents were an inspiration for me in my selection of area of study due to the fact that they are businesspeople. They are both engaged in business activities. I was exposed to the business world since a very young age. For me the study of business has been a very rewarding experience. My job experience includes doing auxiliary accounting work at my sister’s jewelry store. I was responsible for preparing the all four major accounting statements which include the income statement, balance sheet, statement of retained earnings, and statement of cash flow. At this job I was exposed to the entire accounting cycle. Two of the extracurricular activities that I have done during my tenured at University of Keele include Ping Pong Society and Start Britain Up which is business investment club. I have successfully organized many extra-curricular ac tivities. For example, I organized a ping pong society that has been profitable in University of Keele. There are lots of international students in my society. I also got lots of friends from different countries that speak different languages such as English, Spanish and Japanese. Being surrounded by a diverse group of people helped me improve my creativity, networking abilities and people skills. I’ve successfully organized ping pong matches twice. I learned how to coordinates different activities using theories from class. During my time at University of Keele I joined the club Start Britain Up. This club will invest in your concepts if a person has a good idea. I proposed an idea about a new toilet paper. My idea was to put liquid medicine ink on the toilet paper. Doing so can treat anal itching due to the liquid medicine. Even thought the idea did not get funded because it brought more pollution to the environment than regular toilet paper, I will continue to try to bring new ideas to market in the future. I am applying to study a master’s degree in business administration in either accounting, finance, management, or marketing. I selected the University of Queen Mary as my top choice because this academic institution has a great reputation. University of Queen Mary has an excellent business program. The school has a good environment and a good location. It’s located near London, the biggest city in the United Kingdom. I’m eager to start the next phase in my education by becoming a graduate student of business at University of Queen Mary. I’m an excellent candidate for the business graduate program. During my lifetime I’ve demonstrated that I am a hard working and dedicated student. I have excellent communication skills, analytical skills, and teamwork capabilities. In the business environment of the 21st century it is of utter importance to be able to work well with other employees. My desire to pursue a graduate degree occurred because I realize that the business world has become more competitive than ever before in the past. To be able to compete in the job market a professional has to pursue better educational credentials. One of the goals in the future upon graduation is to reach the managerial level. It will be easier for me to become a manager if I have a master’s degree in business. An MBA can help me greatly because I will learn how to solve complex business program, analyze vast amounts of data, and

Sunday, October 27, 2019


Example Essay on CHANGE MANAGEMENT Q) What are the strengths and weakness of Kotters 8-stage model, Lewins Planned Change Model, and the Positivist Model? Change management is a planned process for changing a core function or organization of an enterprise. Interestingly, the process of developing taxonomy can result in the need for change. See Quality Assurance ( Change management is important in every project and this change management will help the project to be successful in any business or organization. There are three models which help change management to be successful in an organization or business and further help them to handle them carefully. The three models which explain about the change in an organization are: Lewins model. Kotters 8-stage model. Positive model. Lewins model There three steps of change management in the Lewins model. Unfreezing. Change. Refreezing Unfreezing is a starting process in an organization in which we determine the need of the change, understand and explain why the change is going on and communicate the vision in order to handle change in an organization. In this starting stage of change, the organization should explain the employees why the change is taking place. When this process starts there may be a crisis in the company and the company should balance everything and it is difficult to maintain it among the employees. The second stage is Change and this is a process in which the employee tries to look forward for new ways to do their work and try to accept the new change. This entire change cannot be done overnight and this is a long process. The third stage is Refreeze which helps to re-shape the organization and employees and also find new ways to work in the organization and it also help the organization to gain a change in every- day business life. There should be benefits to the employees who are trying to find new ways to work and the feedback should be taken from the employees regarding the change in the company. Strengths and Weaknesses of lewins model are. The main strength of the lewins model can be specified as easiest and simplest model to implement in any organization. It also helps employees to face new problems and to overcome those. When the change is taken place, the communication between every individual will increase and they work in teams in order to overcome the problems. The weaknesses of this model lead to the crisis in the company and the entire change cannot be done overnight and there may be lot of confusion in the employees and they need to find new ways to do their work. The weaknesses of this model are not in detail. Kotters 8- stage model The 8- stages of kotters model are Create urgency. Form a powerful coalition. Create a vision for change. Communicate the vision. Remove obstacles. Create short-term wins. Building on the change. Anchor the changes in corporate culture. These are 8-stages of kotters stage model. The first stage of kotters helps the organization to find out the changes to be taken place in the organization and helps to find the threats and defaults in the company and also rectify them and this stage shows the opportunities to overcome these. Finally this stage helps the organization in becoming strong. In the second stage, form a powerful coalition which helps to build teams or groups to lead the changes in the organization and also helps to encourage the teams. The third stage creates a vision of change. That is to Create a vision to help direct the change effort (MINDTOOLS, 2006). This also helps to develop the strategies for achieving the goals. The fourth stage is communicating the vision. This stage shows how to communicate the new strategies and new ways to every individual in the organization. The fifth stage is removing obstacles. This stage shows how to remove the obstacles when changes take place and helps to Change systems or structures that seriously undermine the vision. (MINDTOOLS, 2006). The sixth stage shows the Plan for visible performance improvements and creates those improvements (MINDTOOLS, 2006). There should be rewards and benefits to the employees who perform well in the organization. The seventh stage is same as the Change in lewins model. The eighth stage is same as the Refreezing in the lewins model. Strengths and weaknesses of the kotters 8-stages are Strengths: The strengths of the kotters 8-stage is model is very simplistic and easy to understand rather than lewins model. The strength of this model is, it can easily identify the problem and it also helps to clear the problem in very short period. This can be successful when all the employees are communicated well in all the stages. Weaknesses The major weakness of this model is that it may lead to wrong assumptions. Another weakness of this model is, the model itself. This model is not flexible once this model starts its process than it is difficult to change its way. This model is difficult to communicate to the employees and which may lead to frustration among the employees to find the new ways to handle the change occurring in the organization. POSITIVE MODEL Change models are not only having high success in implementing but also have the failures equally. They also have the negativism in planning their organizational change. The positive model helps to criticize the negativism in the organizational planning. This positive model also guides the organization whether it is going in a right way or not and helps the organization to develop. There are 5 stages in this positive model. (Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley, 2009) Initiate the inquiry: In this phase the organization team finds out the issue which is going to be change in the organization. (Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley, 2009) Inquire the best practices: In this phase the organization team gathers the information about which is the best policy to implement the change. The organization team members collect the information from every individual of the organization and choose the best one to do. (Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley, 2009) Discover the themes: In this phase they gather information and stories from each and every employee about their experience this is done by interviews and meetings. This kind of information helps the organization to overcome all the obstacles. (Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley, 2009) Envision a preferred future: In this phase the gathered information from the employees is taken into consideration and then the organization support these ideas into the program. (Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley, 2009) Design and deliver to create the future: In this phase, the design and deliver for the future is processed. In this phase, slight changes can be made in order to achieve the goals of the organization. (Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley, 2009) Strengths and weaknesses of the positive model: Strengths: The strength of this model is, it helps to find out the negativism in the organization when the change is taken place. The employee satisfaction is taken as a main theme in this model. This model is flexible and slight changes can be done during this process. Weaknesses: The weakness of this model is that it will not create urgency in the change process. There may be conflicts between the employees in decision making. There is no specialty in this model. It is same as the remaining models. Conclusion I finally conclude that all the models have their own strengths and weaknesses. The lewins model is the easiest model but it is not explained in detail and it is complicated. Positive model is same as the remaining models and it is slightly different when compared to remaining models. I strongly recommend that kotters 8-stage model is the best model among all the change models as it is explained in detail and it is flexible in changing process and the communication between the employees when compared with the other models. So I finally conclude that, though all are the best models according to my research, but I strongly say that kotters 8-stage model is the best model.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Lawrence Ferlinghettis Politics :: essays research papers fc

Lawrence Ferlinghetti's Politics I hope I won't seem too politically incorrect for saying this but after immersing myself in the writings of the guilt-obsessed asexual Jack Kerouac, the ridiculously horny Allen Ginsberg and the just plain sordid William S. Boroughs... it's nice to read a few poems by a guy who can get excited about a little candy store under the El or a pretty woman letting a stocking drop to the floor (â€Å"Literary Kicks†). For casual reading, Lawrence Ferlinghetti's poetry is cheerful and humorous. At best it is a welcome break for the mainstream of the â€Å"beat generation.† Inside his poetry, deep rooted criticisms of the United States exist. Ferlinghetti has had an anti-government attitude since the 1950's. His beliefs strengthened when he was put on trial for publishing a highly controversial collection of poems written by Allen Ginsberg. Lawrence Ferlinghetti has chosen to express his political views through his poetry. Additionally, Ferlinghetti became more vocal with the use of protests and further publication of controversial and/or anti-government materials through his publishing house, New Directions. By using poetry, Ferlinghetti was able to reach a vast audience including those whom he was criticizing. Through his poetry, Lawrence Ferlinghetti blatantly and subtly criticized the American democratic system and politicians.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1957, Ferlinghetti received his first national attention. Ferlinghetti was arrested and brought to trial as the publisher of a collection of obscene poetry, Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg (Alspaugh 1148). Eventually he was cleared of the charges of â€Å"publishing and sale of obscene writings.† Since his involvement in the obscenity trial, Ferlinghetti became quite cynical of the government. After the trial ended, Lawrence Ferlinghetti canceled all government grants coming to him and to any writers under his publishing house. Currently he still disallows the acceptance of government grants to any of his writers (Alspaugh 1146). Economically speaking, Ferlinghetti did benefit from the trial. The publicity created by the trial attracted new names to New Directions Publishing. The publicity also was great enough to propel Lawrence Ferlinghetti's image to the degree where he could successfully release his second collection of poetry, A Coney Island of the Mind. In most of Ferlinghetti's work, he has shown a concern with political issues. â€Å" His poetry often addresses political subjects...† (Nasso 196). The Kennedy Assassination, McCarthyism and the Vietnam conflict were all topics in several Ferlinghetti poems (Oppenheimer 136). Lawrence Ferlinghetti's past incidents involving the government influenced his poetry and consequentially he has little respect for government. â€Å"Ferlinghetti's... poetry offered blatant tirades against the destructive tendencies of America's political leadership† (Trosky 136).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Politics are themes in virtually all of Ferlinghetti's works.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Srs for Bank Management

EXPERIMENT NO: 2 AIM: To document Software Requirement Specification for Dance Academy. THEORY: 1) Introduction: 1. 1) Purpose: This document gives detailed functional and non-functional requirements for Dance Academy. The purpose of this document is that the requirements mentioned in it should be utilized by software developer to implement the system. 1. 2) Scope: This system allows the bank employee to maintain a record of all the customers who have account in the bank.With the help of this system, the employee should be in a position to search the records of a particular customer, provide him detailed account information and delete and update the customer information as and when required. 1. 3) Overview: This system provides an easy solution to the bank employee to maintain customer as well as employee records and maintaining a record of all the transactions that take place. 2) General Description: This Bank Management System replaces the conventional, traditional file and record based system with the help of which a lot of paper work will be reduced.Thus the manual work of maintaining files which are subjected to physical wear and tear can be avoided. The employee must be able to view all the information of customers such as name, account number, date of birth, gender, address, initial balance. Also it must be able to record different transactions such as withdrawal, deposit or transfer of funds from one account to another. The employee can also add new staff members to the system providing them direct access to the database and thus enabling them to provide services to the users.The employee can also change his password to follow security constraints. 3) Functional Requirements: 3. 1) Description: The identity of each customer is verified and only then changes are made to the records each customer. After proper verification, the bank employee can bring proper changes to the database as per the requirements of the user. Also the system maintains an employee database thus keeping a record of all the members of bank as well as keeping the records of the transactions which take place daily. 3. 2) Technical issues: The system should be implemented in .NET. 4) Interface Requirements: 4. 1) GUI: GUI 1: The first form provides login page for the employee. GUI 2: After successful login, there are different actions that can be performed i. e. change password, sign-out, add customer, delete customer, add details, view details etc. GUI 3: For adding customers, all the required information is taken and the submit button is selected for making corresponding changes into the database. GUI 4: Once the changes are made into the database, on clicking the view details icon, the details of the customer can be obtained.GUI 5 and 6: The details of the customer can be updated with the help of form 5. A particular customer can be removed with the help of delete customer option. GUI 7,8 and 9: These forms record the different transactions such as withdrawal, deposit, transfer. 4. 2) Hardware Interface: Hardware Interface 1: The system should be embedded in each PC of the bank and in all of its branches. 4. 3) Software Interface: Software Interface 1: Bank Management System. Software Interface 2: The staff and employee database should maintain necessary records. ) Performance Requirements: The system should work concurrently on multiple computers during the working hours of bank. The system should support 50 users. 6) Design Constraints: The system should be designed in 2 months. 7) Other Non Functional Attributes: a) Security: Each employee is provided with a user ID and password to log into the system. Only then he can manipulate the database. b) Availability: The system should be available during bank working hours. c) Maintainability: There should be a facility to add or delete customers as and when required. ) Reusability: The same system must be used in every financial year. 8) Operational Scenarios: There will be an employee data base and customer database. The employee database contains personal information of all the employees. The customer database contains personal as well as account related information. 9) Preliminary Schedule: The system has to be implemented in 2 months. CONCLUSION: Thus we have documented Software Requirement Specification for Bank Management System (BMS).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How We Market your Products

Our vision is that every business and organization will eventually have a web site to market their company, products, and services. Users will migrate from the off-line yellow pages to the web to find and contact local businesses. Current online search tools do a good job of indexing the web, but finding location-specific businesses is haphazard and inaccurate. We focus on cataloging every business and organization web site into a single commercial database so that users can quickly and easily find local, national, or global businesses online. 1. Become the definitive source for listing & displaying business & organization web site information. Similar to the off-line yellow pages, we want to be the single source of information about every commercial web site and keep it the most current and up-to-date. 2. Instead of becoming a destination site, we deliver our robust database to navigation sites (search engines & directories), media companies, local portals & government sites, and any other web property that want to help their users find a complete source of business web sites in one spot. 3. Help manage the navigation tools at the smaller sites by delivering navigation data and allowing them to outsource their search engine content maintenance to create a network of smaller portals that share navigation content and resources. We have developed technology to spider the web and categorize & database commerical sites. The technology is similar to a search engine spider in that it gathers the URL and description of sites by following links. But we use a process that assigns each link to one of our 15,000 yellow-pages type categories by using specific keywords and comparing where it is categorized in other online databases. Also, our spider gathers business contact information, such as address, phone numbers, and email information. This allows us to follow-up our efforts with a direct contact to each business to ensure their listing information and category is correct. Our active technique ensures we gather 5 times more web sites in each category than the average online directory maintains. By categorizing each listing and recording the contact data, we provide much-needed â€Å"periphery† for the web: our technique allows the user to see all of the particular businesses in a particular geographic location. It is a cross between the yellow pages and an online search engine of web sites. The process of updating our data is one the most robust on the web. First our spider revisits each site at least once every quarter to verify the information. Unlike other services & software that just check if a link is â€Å"live,† we can tell if the site is under contraction, or the domain name is for sale, or other signs that the business is unavailable although the link remains active. More importantly, we e-mail the business at least once a year for changes, and reward companies that respond with a higher ranking. This gives us a good repsonse rate and ensures a proactive interest from each company to keep their data up-to-date. The primary targets are those established portal and navigation sites online that have a need to deliver this content. These include: Web-based directories and search engines, such as yahoo, excite, lycos Business directories and smaller search portals Industry-related sites & portals (,, etc.) Media sites (newspapers, television stations, radio) Direct mail services & mailing list providers Content providers & other infomediaries Together I have databased 500,000 web sites so far, and many of them are businesses in these categories. Each listing includes a link, business name, address, phone numbers, and email. For our meeting next week, I will provide an Access database of all the companies I have categorized in these fields. I want to see if there is a need for my product in any of the markets that I†ve described above. My biggest concern is finding a market for the product I†ve developed, and these questions might help answer that. What is their biggest need in terms of their site? Do they maintain a listing of links to web sites relating to their field? How do they add new information and keep existing information current? How much time and money is spent on managing this data? Would they be willing to share this data with us, in return for receiving the information shared by other sites in our network? If we could save them time and money, would they be willing to outsource the management and upkeep of this information? Do they have a need for the type of data we†ve gathered and services we provide? Do they think their users would benefit from being able to find a complete listing of other web sites related to their subject matter? Would they be willing to pay to use our current and complete database at their site? Who else would be willing to use this data? What other types of businesses have I†ve missed? For an example to goal #3 above, it takes a lot of time & energy for a local portal to gather the links of businesses in their area. They only catch the ones that are submitted to them, or the ones they find using their human editors. Likewise, a site focusing on the apparel industry can use a lot of energy & effort to record and display links to clothing & fashion sites in its industry. On the maintenance side, it can be time consuming to categorize their listings, check them to make sure they are current, and modify/delete old & dead links. We want to partner with each site and provide the infomediary to exchange data: since they both share data with Speedy Pete†s database, they have access to not only our spider†s adds, but the other site†s listings, as well. The local portal may have listings related to the clothing industry that the apparel portal does not have and vice versa. We keep the data current and updated using our technology, and deliver a robust database of â€Å"shared† navigation data to each site.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Zoo Paper essays

Zoo Paper essays On my visit to the Zoo their were many interesting animals that grabbed my attention. The first animal was the Black Necked Swan which is also known by its scientific name Cygnus Melan Coryphus. This bird appeared to be very comfortable in its new environment at the Zoo. Their were two of these magnificent birds for me to observe. Both of them had snow white bottoms, with dark black necks and a red orange colored bill. The male swan is known as a cob and the female a pen, the males are usually a bit larger than the females. The areas of origin are in open lakes and marsh lands in the Southern parts of South America, including Chile, Argentina, and Falkland Islands. The black necked swan feeds on Aquatic plants in the zoo, and as wild swan they typically feed on vegetation, insects, and fish spawn. The black necked swan is not in any danger of being extinct. The swans seem to some how stay close to each other and their behavior was calm. I find the black neck on the swan to be very i nteresting, I had never known of a black necked swan until my recent visit to the zoo. The swans neck was very long it seems at times to wrap around the bottom of its body, as it dives its head into the pond. I think that the black necked swan is a must see bird. The gracefulness and common behavior makes it one of my top birds to purchase and put into a private pond. The multi color of this bird gives it a very complex, but different style that sets it in a class of its own. According to research these birds rarely are on land they are known to say in water, maybe this is some sort of instinct, which allows them to stay out of harms way. What ever the case, I hope these birds survive a long time so that others can view them as I did. The zebra is one of the most distinctive looking animals in the world, also known by its scientific name Equus burchelli bohmi. The zebra can usually be found in the grass lands and lightly wooded areas of eastern A...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Stream of Consciousness Writing

Stream of Consciousness Writing Stream of consciousness is a  narrative technique that gives the impression of a mind at work, jumping from one observation, sensation, or reflection to the next seamlessly and often without conventional  transitions. Although stream of consciousness is commonly associated with the work of novelists including James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and William Faulkner, the method has also been used effectively by writers of creative nonfiction  and is often referred to as freewriting. The metaphor of the stream of consciousness was coined by American philosopher and psychologist William James in The Principles of Psychology in 1890 and has been perpetuated to this day in the modern literature and psychology fields. Urgency and Presence in Stream of Consciousness Often used by creative writing teachers as a means to get the creative juices flowing for their students at the beginning of classes, a stream of consciousness writing exercises often ground writers in the presentness, the importance of a given subject or discourse. In creative fiction, a stream of consciousness may be used by a narrator to convey the thoughts or feelings going on in the head of a character, a writers trick to convince the audience of the authenticity of thoughts he or she is attempting to write into the story. These internal monologues of sorts read and transfer thought more organically to the audience, providing a direct look into the inner workings of a characters mental landscape. The characteristic lack of punctuation and transitions only furthers this idea of a free-flowing prose wherein the reader and speaker alike jump from one topic to the next, much like a person would when daydreaming about a given topic- one might start with talking about fantasy films but end up discussing the finer points of medieval costuming, for instance, seamlessly and without transition. A Notable Examplein Tom Wolfes Nonfiction Work Stream of consciousness writing isnt only for fictional works- Tom Wolfes memoir Electric  Kool-Aid Acid Test is packed full of beautiful, eloquent stream of consciousness which provides insight into the protagonists journey and story. Take this excerpt for example:   - Kesey has Cornel Wilde Running Jacket ready hanging on the wall, a jungle-jim corduroy jacket stashed with fishing line, a knife, money, DDT, tablet, ball-points, flashlight, and grass. Has it timed by test runs that he can be out the window, down through a hole in the roof below, down a drain pipe, over a wall and into thickest jungle in 45 seconds- well, only 35 seconds left, but head start is all that’s needed, with the element of surprise. Besides, its so fascinating to be here in subastral projection with the cool rushing dex, synched into  their  minds and his own, in all its surges and tributaries and convolutions, turning it this way and that and rationalizing the situation for the 100th time in split seconds, such as: If they have that many men already here, the phony telephone men, the cops in the tan car, the cops in the Volkswagen, what are they waiting for? why havent they crashed right in through the rotten doors of this Rat building In The Mythopoeic Reality: The Postwar American Nonfiction Novel, Masud Zavarzadeh explains Wolfes above use of stream of consciousness as the dominating narrative choice for this section of the nonfiction novel, saying the technical rationale for the use of such narrational devices in the nonfiction novel is the treatment of the subjectivity of the situation or person portrayed, as distinguished from the projected subjectivity (empathy) of the fictive novelist.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Quantify Quantify Quantify By Maeve Maddox A reader has asked me to discuss the word quantify: I was hoping you could help me with the word quantify. I feel like Im not quite using it correctly. As a term in logic, quantify means to ascribe universal or particular quantity to a term or proposition. For example, the statement â€Å"Dogs are playful† is not quantified. Adding a word like some or all quantifies it: â€Å"Some dogs are playful.† â€Å"All dogs are playful.† The Ngram Viewer indicates that quantify, along with metrics, has become especially popular since the 1960s. A Google search brings up 23,700,000 results for quantify and 90,600,000 for metrics. Note: The business definition of metrics is â€Å"standards of measurement by which efficiency, performance, progress, or quality of a plan, process, or product can be assessed.†    The urge to quantify by accumulating metrics seems to be as popular in our culture as coveting granite countertops. Job hunters are urged to quantify their resumes. Organizations study performance metrics. Bloggers quantify success by counting such things as visits and comments. As far as I can tell, in general usage, quantify means â€Å"put everything you can in the form of numbers or percentages.† Three ways to Quantify Achievements on Your Resume Quantifying the Clickbait and Linkbait in BuzzFeed Article Titles Track Thyself: Quantify Your Life For Productivity, Fun Quantify your ergonomic risk The Quantified Baby How to quantify your bodybuilding and transform your physique Social media users are obsessed with quantifying: I wish that I  could give more than five stars  for mobile kangaroo! . On a scale of 1 to 10  how would you rate your life? As of today I have over 100 followers on Twitter, and more  than 80 subscribers to my blog!   My  meow mix  video got a million shares  on Facebook today. The only errors I found in the use of quantify were in statements that used quantify where I would expect qualify. For example: â€Å"You need to quantify your opinions.† As the speaker was not asking for numbers, the verb qualify, â€Å"to modify (a statement, opinion, etc.) by the addition of some limitation or reservation,† was the more appropriate choice. If there’s a problem with the use of quantify, it lies in the implied message that everything of importance can be rendered in terms of numerical facts. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Greek Words You Should Know"Owing to" vs "Due to"How Do You Fare?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How does the internet affect the international strategy Use Porter's 5 Essay

How does the internet affect the international strategy Use Porter's 5 Forces and tell how internet shape and change the busine - Essay Example Most companies in the modern business environment have executed some or the other form of Internet machinery into their business operations. While some enterprises faced a major conversion when emerging into an e-business function, others may have enjoyed an edge of this technology before the use of the Internet became pervasive to the present extent. (Kotler, 1997; Rainer, 2009) Internet creates economic value for business either by creating new industries such as online auctions and digital marketplaces, or by reconfiguring existing industries through reduced communication costs, easier transactions and faster information dissemination. Though catalogue retailers and toll free numbers have been always there, the internet provides a more efficient mode to order products and services. For instance, distance learning has been prevalent in the education sector for decades with almost a million students enrolling annually for various correspondence courses. But a modified and improvised version of distance learning is E-College. It is a full-service provider that works in collaboration with many universities and publishes their courses over the internet and operates the delivery network for a fee. The profitability of a business is influenced by the internet based on two main factors- industry structure and competitive advantage. While the former determines the profitability of an average competitor, the latter imparts the capacity to outperform an average competitor. (Castells, 2003; Chadwick, 2009) In today’s rapid pace of technological change in business environment, industrial analysis becomes all the more important. The structural attractiveness of an industry, whether old or new, is governed by five forces of competition. These forces, alternately known as Porter’s Five Forces, are existing rivalry among competitors, threat of substitutes, barriers to new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers and bargaining power of buyers. Though the nature of the five forces varies across industries, the profitability of an enterprise still depends of these. Due to the variable nature of the five forces, it is difficult to draw any general conclusion about the impact of the internet o business environment. But some dominant trends can be inferred through an inspection of a wide range of industries where the internet plays a vital role. Most of the industries show a positive trend owing to the expansion of markets, improved position compared to rivals and new channels to reach out to customers. (Porter, 1979; 2008; Karagiannopoulos, 2005) However some negative impacts of internet on businesses have also been in picture. It enables the buyers to have an easy access to information about products and services, thus strengthening their bargaining power. It helps in growth of new substitutes due to birth of new approaches to meets costumers’ needs. By reducing the need for an established sales force or affiliation to existing channel s, it removes barriers to entry. It dissolves geographical borders and expands the geographical market, bringing more companies into competition with each other. The increase in fixed costs, accompanying the favourable decline in variable costs, leads to the promotion of destructive price competition amongst the existing industry rivals. (Seybold, 1998; Angell, 1994) The inherent paradox is that the benefits offered by the internet expand the market through reduced operational costs, enhanced

Friday, October 18, 2019

Tort Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tort Law - Assignment Example Besides, in a contractual relationship, the responsibility imposed by law is in the directions of the other party, by whom there is privity of agreement. In tort, the responsibility lies in the directions of the members of the public or world at large, with whom there is no requirement for any contract. â€Å"A tort is a civil wrong for which the legal remedy is an action brought by means of civil proceedings by or on behalf of the injured party for damages or some other legal remedy desired by the person who has suffered the wrong† (Law of Torts Including MV Accident and Consumer Protection Laws-I 1). Fact of the Case: The case provides a summary of the gas leakage in Pub. And also this particular case brings out the various ethical matters concerned in the disaster. Ben, who is the employer of the Maid Marion Gas Company, carelessly fixed pipe work which caused leakage of gas into the pub. Chef of the pub Charlie lit a gas in the kitchen and consequently this caused a blast and fire in the pub. So, Donald the barman, suffered harsh burns and consequently a recurrence of the clinical depression from, which he had undergo some long ago. Parties involved: Parties involved in this case are, Alan, Emma, Charlie and Donald. Alan can claim against the Maid Marion Gas Company for nervous shock and negligence. In tort law, Negligence is depends on the existence of a contravention of the obligation of care, owed by one person to another. Alan came home later, subsequent to the fire, and saw that his pub had been completely destroyed. He was so distress that he is till date suffering from insomnia and nervousness. Company should take due care for preventing any kind of the leakage. Gas is such a hazardous substances and leakage of gas can create lots of tragedy in the society. And also, it will create environmental pollution in the society. Here the leakage is mainly because of the careless on the part of the employer Ben. But at the same time, it is the duty of the company to check all those things because it is such a toxic substance. Emma and Charlie are the secondary victims of the gas leakage. Because of this, they faced nervous shock. So, they also can claim against the Maid Marion Gas Company for the nervous shock. Charlie is the chef of the pub, he lit a gas stove in the pub kitchen and a few minutes later this caused a blast and fire in the pub. That time he was outside in the garden, he was not injured in the explosion but felt himself accountable for the injuries undergone by his co-worker, and has now had a nervous breakdown. Like Emma, who is the girlfriend of Donald and also who had lived with Donald for some years, reached at his hospital bed some hours later, after he had an emergency operation. She was extremely shocked to see him greatly bandaged. Since then she has not slept sound and has suffered panic attacks. And also, Donald can claim compensation from Ben and Maid Marion Gas Company for the injury that he has faced. Donald can also claim under Workman Compensation, because his injury was caused at the time of work and also in the working premises. Donald is the primary victim of the tragedy. Both Ben and Company are jointly liable for the injury of Donald. They are also liable for the vicarious liability and negligence. â€Å"Vicarious liability is the principle of law that holds one party liable for the acts (or inactions) of another† (Beyer 3). Vicarious liability, which is general in some parts of law, refers to lawful duty for the actions of another. If a rule holds X accountable for Y's actions, then X's responsibility is said to be vicarious. Conclusion: A tort is an offence that is privately impeached, usually for damages, though some tort

Orgin of chocolate Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Orgin of chocolate - Research Paper Example The development of chocolate has led to the development of various, delicacies where is used as an additive and a booming business around the world on this account. Cultivation of cacao has been going on for more than three thousand years or even a bit more. Before the actual cultivation of the cacao plant began, these seeds were gathered from wild cacao trees that were growing inside heavy canopy rainy forests. Then later on there were development of cacao tree plantations that were done in the canopy forests. People from northwestern South America first utilized cacao, the current Venezuela since the tree is native to this region of the world. The Olmec civilization that dates 3500 to 2500 years ago used these beverages to fortify soldiers in battle and during marches1. These people valued cacao highly and was spread northward through trading with the neighbors. It was moved to the present Mexico, which was known as Yucatan by the Maya about 1500 years ago. Aztecs after acquiring this product from the Maya urns, they used it in a number of ways with the most common use being of a bitter spice in food. Up to the sixteenth century, the Europeans did not know the drink from South and Central America. August 15 the 1502, is the first time that Christopher Columbus encountered the beans during his fourth visit to the Americas2. On this date, Columbus and his crew grabbed a large canoe that contained the beans among other goods that were for trade. However, these beans had no impact in Spain after he returned until they were introduced the Spanish courts. Henan Cortes is believed to be the first European to encounter. He did so after they conquered Mexico in the year 1519 a time when women who did so with a lot of reverence served him with chocolate. It was believed to give one power over women he took it, a believe that Bernal Diaz, who accompanied Cortes to Mexico did not agree with. After the Spanish

Critical appraisal of a nursing research study article Essay

Critical appraisal of a nursing research study article - Essay Example ties are being carried, it is important that there be an effective system by which these researches can be appraised to determine their validity and reliability. Wood (2010) explain that reliable research studies provide quality information that can be used in making changes that can cause better and effective systems and human environment. One of the ways of making such a process is conducting a critical appraisal process; critical appraisal can be defined as the process involving careful and systematic examination of research for judging its trustworthiness, relevance and value for their particular contexts. According to White (2008) critical appraisal is very important especially for health professionals, considering the fact that they handle critical matters of human life. Many of the research studies that are carried out on human and animal health are often treated with great esteem considering the changing health problems and challenges in the human environment (Pignone 2005, p. 67). According to Armstrong (2012) an effective healthcare process can only be managed by an application of effective and reliable strategies derived from research studies, which underpins the need for their critical appraisal. This paper examines a critical appraisal for a research that was conducted on the participation of patients in the NHS Bowel Cancer screening programs. The critical appraisal of this research process will undertake the qualitative approach, examining the methodology that was used and its effectiveness (Wake 2013, p. 31). In this case, it will be possible to assess the effectiveness of the research process. According to McCabe (2009) qualitative research processes are known to use approaches that deliver quality information from resource persons, most of whom are carefully selected for the research process. The process of critical appraisal aims at assisting people to develop necessary skills that can help to make sense of various scientific evidences. This

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Industry approach for addressing the vexing issue Assignment

Industry Approach for Addressing the Vexing Issue - Assignment Example Error-tracking system, which is already implemented by the healthcare professional reports, based on the medical errors that are getting pervasive and is the main cause of the death taking place in the USA. The report has also presented that medical errors often takes place due to the systematic problems, while delivering the health care services, rather than while improving the performance of each individual. Healthcare industry is adopting different approaches, such as the development of error-tracking mechanisms, extensive investigation, allocation of available resources for the initiative of error protection, and root cause analysis of the problem (Fialova & Onder, 2009). According to the ACA report, there are four approaches for mitigating the issues related with the healthcare profession, such as identification and understanding through the errors related with the voluntary and mandatory reporting systems, set up national efforts for enhancing the knowledge linked with the medical safety, increase in standards and expectations in order to bring improvements in safety through increasing involvement of medical professionals, and establishing delivery level safety systems within the healthcare organizations (Fialova & Onder, 2009). ACA report sparks the debate among the health policymakers in the USA for appropriately responding to the problem. ACA improve its quality or made it worse through restricting the funds In America, lawmakers are putting more emphasis on the healthcare quality with the introduction of protection of patients and Affordable Care Act. Through the reduction in 30 days readmissions, American hospitals have started taking initiatives for fulfilling all the requirements, has even adopted best practices, which results in the improvement of healthcare quality and readmissions between the community providers and hospitals.

Global Warming is real Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Warming is real - Research Paper Example The resulting rise in sea level is causing tsunamis to occur and has also endangered the survival of many animal species on earth. The question that has, in recent years, attracted the attention of scientists all over the world is, if the global warming is on a rise, and if so, to what extent are humans responsible for that? As fossil fuels burn, the carbon they contain gets converted into a greenhouse gas, known as carbon dioxide (CO2). Such greenhouse gases as methane (CH4) and CO2 entrap the sun’s energy into the atmosphere. There has recently been a tremendous emphasis on reduction of the fossil fuels use as they are thought to be the most fundamental cause of increase in global warming. In this paper, the question noted above has been answered with support of scientific studies to show that global warming is a real issue. According to the meteorites’ radioactive dating, it has been 4.6 billion years since the solar system of which earth forms a part has been found. Examination of the minerals preserved in earth and the scientific study of rocks has shown that earth has contained liquid water for 4.3 billion years (Watson and Harrison). Since then, climate of earth has largely remained stable, with occasional freezing in certain areas that have always remained as such. It is the massive increase in the energy drawn from sun that has caused a tremendous increase in the earth’s temperature. According to an estimate, there has been a 30 per cent increase in the energy output on earth from sun since the start of the solar system (Gough). Part of the energy drawn from the sun is reflected and some is retained. Some portion of the energy that gets absorbed in earth radiates back and escapes into the space. It is the energy absorbed minus energy radiated that decides the temperature of earth. Composition of the earth’s atmosphere also plays a decisive role in the increase of temperature. 99 per cent of the gases that atmosphere contains like oxygen and nitrogen are transparent towards the energy drawn from sun. Other gases like CO2 and water vapors tend to reduce the process of radiation of the energy from earth to the space. Therefore, increase in the level of these gases obviously increases the temperature of earth and contributes to the global warming. Of the two gases, it is the CO2 that concerns scientists the most because the water vapors in atmosphere remain constant in amount as compared to the CO2. Now, if the CO2 level in the atmosphere is increasing, global warming is then indeed, a real issue! The biggest source of CO2 is the fossil fuels. In addition to that, decomposition of materials and burning of wood also causes a considerable increase in the content of CO2 in the atmosphere. The rapid industrialization that has occurred in the recent centuries has caused a manifold increase in the CO2 level in the atmosphere. The reason why the resulting increase in the earth’s temperature is an issue is that this directly affects the ecosystem prevailing on earth. If the CO2 level continues to increase at the present rate, earth will soon become inhabitable for almost all species including humans, and life on earth will extinguish. The following text examines what recent studies have said about the CO2 levels in the atmosphere. (Deem) has shown the rate of annual increase in the C

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Industry approach for addressing the vexing issue Assignment

Industry Approach for Addressing the Vexing Issue - Assignment Example Error-tracking system, which is already implemented by the healthcare professional reports, based on the medical errors that are getting pervasive and is the main cause of the death taking place in the USA. The report has also presented that medical errors often takes place due to the systematic problems, while delivering the health care services, rather than while improving the performance of each individual. Healthcare industry is adopting different approaches, such as the development of error-tracking mechanisms, extensive investigation, allocation of available resources for the initiative of error protection, and root cause analysis of the problem (Fialova & Onder, 2009). According to the ACA report, there are four approaches for mitigating the issues related with the healthcare profession, such as identification and understanding through the errors related with the voluntary and mandatory reporting systems, set up national efforts for enhancing the knowledge linked with the medical safety, increase in standards and expectations in order to bring improvements in safety through increasing involvement of medical professionals, and establishing delivery level safety systems within the healthcare organizations (Fialova & Onder, 2009). ACA report sparks the debate among the health policymakers in the USA for appropriately responding to the problem. ACA improve its quality or made it worse through restricting the funds In America, lawmakers are putting more emphasis on the healthcare quality with the introduction of protection of patients and Affordable Care Act. Through the reduction in 30 days readmissions, American hospitals have started taking initiatives for fulfilling all the requirements, has even adopted best practices, which results in the improvement of healthcare quality and readmissions between the community providers and hospitals.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Knowledge Automation As an Approach to Online Integrated Systems Assignment - 7

Knowledge Automation As an Approach to Online Integrated Systems - Assignment Example It is vital to implement automation systems in today’s business climate for certain reasons. The Web nowadays has become the basic and crucial means of communication for most firms. Moreover, employees would be demanded to grasp and adhere to the firm’s business actions and policies which must be based on what they lay their eyes on the intranet. Since everyone is critically searching for solutions to their needs, experts can hence be considered to be very busy persons (Dedan 9).  There are certainly many problems that Exsys Corvid knowledge automation systems try to solve. They have been assisting various firms and agencies related to the government, to construct knowledge automation mechanism for many years. Their approach can be proven and attested to be extremely doing well across various levels and institutions in the world. They can be used on diverse kind of issues since they provide a strong foundation for finding remarkable solutions for companies (Dedan 14).   The easiest systems to build are for providing solutions based on well-documented steps or illustrations as needed. The expert must have an understanding of the solution making stages. The best systems must strive to disseminate the knowledge of issues that can be documented but sophisticated to explain (Dedan 17).  The above is the logo image which became copy-pasted from the website. This demo, after critical analysis, can be decided to be the best. It mainly handles issue dealing with managing contaminated animal and plant material. It delivers vital information and useful piece of advice needed for efficient, effective, and economical disposing of animal and plant material that becomes contaminated.  

Monday, October 14, 2019

Legal Regulation of the Pornography in the 21st Century

Legal Regulation of the Pornography in the 21st Century â€Å"The legal regulation of pornography in the 21 st century in the United Kingdom† Abstract: Pornography accompanied humanity for a long time though the expressions of pornography vary with time and technological progress. Previously, the pornography industry was concentrating mainly in painting, with the invention of printing the pornography was widespread, later on with the invention of photography it led to the dissemination of pornographic pictures, furthermore the invention of cinema led the pornographic films in a similar vein and now video web, soon joined the pornography industry. Proper social and legal attitude toward pornography is a controversial subject for many years, some think about pornography in terms of obscenity breakthroughs based on religion or morality and refuse to discuss the problem or give it attention, others think of pornography in terms of liberal sexual liberation and freedom of expression and catch it embodies basic rights that protect them from oppression and mute. In the 70th new sound was heard the female voice is also joining the feminist opposition camp, as demand for gender equality and concern for the status of women. The problem of pornography remained a debate that hadnt been decided and resolved; the subject of pornography raises difficult issues relevant theoretical and philosophical issues of ethics, morality and arouses many legal disputes. In the following paper I will review the phenomenon of pornography in the United Kingdom in the context of the definitions, legal aspects and the developments. Furthermore I will analyze the problems that come with the pornography, the harm and the influence that it has on the children and youth. The main argument of this paper is the use of the freedom of expression to protect pornography. Other not less important argument in this paper deals with the question â€Å"whether the society does enough to protect young children and the next generation from the harms of pornography?† And eventually I will conclude the topic by including some suggestions for the future. Introduction Defining Pornography One of the main problem with the pornography is the fact that it is not defined in a clear definitions that can refer to each person individually. According to the online vocabulary the pornography is defined as â€Å"The explicit depiction or exhibition of sexual activity in literature, films or photography that is intended to stimulate erotic, rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings†. Any material such as pictures, videos, CDs, books or even words that are sexually explicit qualifies as Pornography. The definition explains the meaning of the pornography by saying that pornography involves more physical feelings rather then the emotion feelings, but the definition is not explaining the meaning of the term â€Å"Sexually explicit†. Thats when the definition problem plays the key role, how can we define what sexually explicit is when each person sees and understand things differently based on their culture, religion and personal preferences and morals, in certain countries showing womans uncovered ankles is considered as sexual explicit while in most of the modern western countries bare ankles, arms or even belly is not considered as anything unusual, however even in modern society some materials still count as sexually explicit such as representation of sexual acts in a written or visual way and a demonstration of very intimate exposed body parts such as the genitalia . The contradiction here is that an important question can be a raised â€Å"Does medical book considered as pornography?† based on the fact that Medical books contain demonstration of exposed genitalia pictures. The answer is that anatomy medical books are not viewed as pornography because of its purpose, the purpose of the anatomy book is to educate and give necessary information to the medical student it does not involve entertainment or stimulation of the viewer. According to the Etymology (Study that deals with the history of the words and how their form and meaning have changed over the centuries) the history of the word â€Å"Pornography† starts in 1857, and is translated as (â€Å"description of prostitutes) from French â€Å"pornographie† and from Greek â€Å"pornographos† (one) writing of prostitutes, from porne prostitute, originally bought, purchased (with an original notion, probably of female slave sold for prostitution; related t o pernanai to sell, from PIE root per- to traffic in, to sell, cf. L. pretium price) + graphein to write. Originally used of classical art and writing; application to modern examples began 1880s. Main modern meaning salacious writing or pictures represents a slight shift from the etymology, though classical depictions of prostitution usually had this quality† The Greeks were writing and painting such frescos on the walls of their brothels in order to advertise the homes were women sold their â€Å"love† to Greeks for money. As it was mentioned earlier it is a difficult task to define Pornography legally and morally as an individual due to the fact that most people can not distinguish the difference between Pornography and Erotica, it is very common to consider that Erotica is a â€Å"liter† and more censored version of Pornography. According to the Etymology the meaning of the word Erotic appears in 1621, and can be translated from the Greek word â€Å"Eroticos† as â€Å"sexual love†. If to compare the meanings and the definitions of the words Pornography and Erotica it is quite clear that Erotica is explained as something more pure and emotional rather when pornography is shown as something more physical and dirty. But mostly the term Erotica or Erotic is usually used my the artists and the art industry itself, furthermore artists after creating piece of art that include nudity or uncensored words that describe sexuality justify their work by saying that their piece of art is an Er otic rather then Pornographic due to the fact that the art represents something meaningful and has a point or a story to tell, it was created as a thought and it is not made in order to sexually stimulate the viewer. But again it is all in the eyes of the viewer to decide whether it is erotic or pornographic display that they see. In the case of Jacob Ellis v. Ohio, 1964 U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [hard-core pornography]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it and the motion picture involved in this case is not that. The words â€Å"But I know it when I see it† reinforce the point that it is up to the individual to decide whether it is pornography or not. The 21st Century Concerns Through the history of democracy freedom of expression and preoccupation always won the argument, the only time when it really straggled was when the debate was about the issue with the Pornography. The discussion over the engagement to permit the pornography takes place in countries among the most active broad issues in the field. From preoccupation with the limits of freedom of expression, freedom of religious and belief or alternatively, the separation between religion and state, questions about womens equal rights feminism, and more. Pornography, then, surprisingly, is deeply connected with it being a democracy. All these discussions about democracy are related and constitute an essential part of any such system. Democracy, if it wants to survive, requires providing an extensive freedom of expression also things that the community may not like to see, and allow its members to practice them and choose for them selves as long as it is not violates the rights of the others. Pornography also touches on gender, the countrys morality, crime, constitution and relations between the sexes. Regardless of the major issues and impacts that pornography has on children and women it is impossible and incorrect to prohibit pornography the answer is to restrict it to the levels where young children are protected and have no access to it, while the adults are free to have an access to pornography as long as it is not harming others. The only time when Pornography must be prohibit and banned is in the case of a child pornography and violent pornography. For the reasons that children are not able to protect them selves thats our duty as an adults to make sure children are away from those industries furthermore violent sex must be prohibit due to its nature. Adults that watch violent and extreme pornography are influenced by them and start to behave similarly. True it is not the video that makes a person to develop their personality and behavior, person is developed by their nature and nurture but those videos have an influence that might change ones views and believes by believing and accepting the porn as real. And the best argument for it is the example of advertising if images, videos and books are not influencing people then why people use advertisement? People are captured by the images and the human brain receives tons of images and information even when the person is not trying to obtain them. The main concern in the 21st century is the improvement and the development in the technology, the importance of the internet is major. People and most curtain children enjoy the virtual life due to the fact that internet is a free world where one can â€Å"slide† from one world to another as an anonymous. There is no need to prove your identity and your age. And those places on the web that do require identity prove such as the age confirmation it is very easy to lie or give false information and there is no way to check the reality of the one. The law protects the children and young people under the age of 18 in the real world by prohibiting the expose of the children to pornography and the prohibition to sell and provide pornographic materials to under aged young people and children. The law considers that a child would not be able to hide their age because those that sell the pornographic materials must check some ID that will prove their age. But that protection is not working on the virtual world at all. On the internet anyone and anytime can access pornographic materials such as videos and images for free and there is no need to provide any ID or proof of the real age of the viewer. Those websites that require providing an age by registering and providing the date of birth it is extremely simple to fool by typing a year of birth that is under the year of 1991. The problem in 21st century is the fact that the freedom of expression and speech is very important and can not be changed even if it means to protect our children from been exposed to Pornography. By prohibiting Pornography the rights of the creator and the consumer of the porn are violated, for the creator of porn because it is freedom of expressions, freedom of speech while for the consumer it is the right to enjoy the information or in the case of pornography materials. Yes if can be changed by arguing that children are more important then the right to create pornography but the problem here is not prohibition of pornography its the issue with the later circumstances that will follow the prohibition. In that can other people can try ban, limit or control other ways of freedom of speech and expression. One exception will lead to other exceptions and furthermore the freedom of the speech will be under the danger. For example in China the government decided to fight with pornography by banning and prohibiting Pornography totally including virtual pornography as well. All the major internet search bars such as Google yahoo and local Chinese tudou and beidu are blocked when ever users try to search for porn/pornography/sex. Not only are those, users that try to search those materials automatically appearing in the list of people that need to be under control. It might be a good idea to do so in a case of child pornography, in that way it would be easier to catch pedophiles but to block all the pornographic materials is not a correct way and to be honest impossible hackers can re open those websites secretly without any problems. It is a human nature to be curios and be interested in what is considered to be â€Å"forbidden† by restricting and prohibiting pornography materials the Chinese government is rising the curiosity of the youth to find out what is banned and why. Furthermore it can affect the youth in a bad way, some young people are shy and cannot consult with a doctor regards sex therefore they try to find out the information online. By blocking all the information regards sex the youth might not know the risk that it has (Chinese government is blocking not only pornography websites but any website or materials that include or describe sex and sexuality). Focus Of The Paper The paper will discuss and analyze a very interesting and important question of the Legal regulation of the Pornography in the 21st century in the United Kingdom. The question of the pornography is a complicated subject that has a major influence on the people. The paper is divided into chapters and each chapter deals with an individual subject or an issue that comes with the terms of the pornography. Introduction: the introduction to the subject of the pornography has three sections. First section deals with the definitions of the term pornography and the etymological definition of the word. Second section deals with the issues that occur with the pornography in the 21st century such as the freedom of speech and the first amendment that protects the pornography from been banned. Third section explains the focus of the paper by the chapters. The regulation of the pornography is divided into four sections. First section deals with the origins of the pornography with the historical evidence of the first pornographic illustrations, and the evolution of the pornography through the centuries with some famous pieces of art and literature that are defined as pornography. Not to be confused chapter two, section one deals with the background of the pornography itself and not the definition and meaning of the term â€Å"pornography† as it is in the first chapter, section one. Section two: The evolution of the pornography in the United Kingdom explains the influence and the development that lead pornography into United Kingdom, and illustrates the development of the pornography industry in the United Kingdom. Section three deals with the legal regulation of Pornography in United Kingdom, through the history. At last section four discusses the obscene publication act 1959, the power of the act and the bars that it created. Furthermore the section deals with the changes in the pornography industry and the legislations in the second half of the 20th century. The Danger Of The Pornography Is Divided Into Two Sections That Deal With The Harm Of The Pornography And The Influence It Has On The People. Section one deal with the issue of the children and pornography, the section discusses the danger and the influence that pornography has on the children, how the law protects the children from the pornography on the internet and in the everyday life. Section two deals with the topic of women and the pornography, how the pornography changed the views on women and the behavior of the men towards them, furthermore the section deals with the views of the feminists and the psychological studies that deal with the affect of the pornography on the violence towards women. Pornography and the morality is divided into two sections Section one deals with the changes that pornography brought into our lives, and the important problem that most of the countries deal with, the lost of the cultural and the traditional values influenced by the pornography. Section two of this chapter deals with the question of the pornography and the morality, the right of the one to be protected from been exposed to the pornographic materials, and furthermore how the religion deals with the rapid spread of the pornography industry. criticism and suggestions is divided into two sections. Section one deals with the criticism of the law towards pornography, the first amendment and the freedom of the speech that are used as a protective umbrella for the producers and the people that create the pornography industry and how the law protect ones right by limiting other persons rights. Last section of the chapter four deals with the proposals and suggestions that can and need to be done in order to protect the children from been exposed to the pornographic materials and to put a balance between freedom of speech and the pornography that is harmful, and finally to try to find a solution that will increase the protection from the pornography rather then to simply try to ban it. Pornography law cases and famous scandals This section illustrates the famous law cases and scandals that involved the topic of pornography in the United Kingdome and the rest of the world that influenced and lead to new legal terms. Conclusion The conclusion of the paper. The Regulation Of Pornography The Origins Of Pornography Pornography has its own story as well it turns out that the history of the Pornography is almost like a long history of mankind. The first pornography images actually appeared before the modern era, researchers discovered rock paintings demonstrating coitus and hunting between ancient people. It is slightly inaccurate to define those Petroglyphs as pornography based on the fact that the purpose of drawing those images is unknown. Human sexuality always documented throughout history, beginning with nude pictures on vases in Greece and Rome, where naked men and women were documented as an expression of beauty and admiration. In an ancient India scholar named Vatsyayana created the first Sanskrit text known as the â€Å"Kama Sutra† that explains the rules and manuals of sex, love and marriage. The Kama Sutra includes very detailed sexual intercourse images and explanations, Kama Sutra is the first and the most known pornographic text book, and furthermore Vatsyayana feared that the papers would disappear with time and decide to decorate the temples of Kajuharo with pornographic images of people having sex. With the beginning of the Christianity and the rise to the power, and with the fall of the Roman Empire, sex and sexuality started to be referenced variously. Species currently perceived as a source of sin, the cause that brought the expulsion of the first man from Eden. This moral concept came to serve as an alternative to the Roman liberated morality. In fact, with the change of human perception good creature has become a potential sinner, and that changed the attitude towards sex and it became anathema. St. Augustines writings reference woman and sex as the most negative kind. Augustine divides people into two the God-loving minority vast majority that love meat. People are uncontrollable with lust, especially when it comes to sex. Thus medieval Christianity tries literally to delete sex and sexuality. Sexuality will be used for breeding, and this only to prevent the extinction of the human kind. When sexuality becomes illegal the pornography began to fill in the space by creating rough sex charts and nudity illustrations. Throughout the middle Ages pornography was perceived as sexual sin, was addressed by the institutions accordingly. Sex ratio has not changed throughout this period until the Renaissance, which presented the female body as an expression of divine beauty with the paintings of many contemporary artists. Nudity and sex were further accepted as something artistic and beautiful rather then something sinful as it was earlier. It all changed during the days of Queen Victoria in Britain, which issued a number of laws prohibiting sexual publications. Ironically under this prohibition actually was published the most erotic newspaper written during that time called The Pearl, the pearl was an erotic newspaper that included numerous erotic stories and poems and was published in underground. Nudity and sexuality bursting again with the invention of the cinema, two years after the invention first time woman was undressed on the movie screens of French film Le BAIN from 1896. Early 20th century sexuality wins legitimacy and continues until the mid-thirties, when the American Film Committee takes laws and regulations that prohibit sexuality and nudity on the screen. But again, when sexuality is outlawed and prohibited it finds a way to get back in with some surprising ways. These constraints and prohibitions forced many screenwriters to come up with various ways of allusions to sex; known among them is the line: Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?† With the beginning of the sixties sexual revolution begins in the United States. This brings the bloom of magazines such as Playboy, first published in 1953 was the first mens magazine. Penthouse came out second after the Playboy in 1969, and the Hustler that surged into the world in1974. The last one reached the courts due to its contents, and the U.S. Supreme Court acquitted the magazine from its opponents claim with the right to the freedom of expression and preoccupation. Sexuality is among at last, and institutional recognition opens the legitimacy it has never won before. In the 20th century the pornography era grow and put its stamp in the business industry becoming part of normal modern life, with the inventions of the technology such as VCR and later on DVD In the 90th including the Internet breakthrough making pornography available to the home computers and a telephone lines it become so easy for a viewer to watch Pornography online. the access to pornography become easier and more private and that factor increase the demand for pornographic materials. It is very interesting how fast the civilization showed a progress, in 19th century people who were caught spreading pornography were brought to the court and had to pay fines. While today in the 21st century pornography is legalized almost in all countries with exception of Muslim states, India and China. The Evolution Of The Pornography In United Kingdom In addition to the legal definition, pornography was also at the centre of debates on elite and mass culture, and on the legitimacy of modernist literature, especially in interwar Britain. The nature of this debate evidently had its origins in the question of cultural authority and artistic value which preoccupied rational elites between the wars, and produced the disdainful Leavisite attitudes towards the masses catalogued by John Carey and D. L. LeMahieu. Though, this was not only à Ã‚ ° debate about culture. For sex reformers, it was also about new social practices. Before and after 1945, sex radicals not merely decried the form of mass culture, but also attacked à Ã‚ ° variety of practices of commercial leisure that were playing à Ã‚ ° constitutive role in the making of modern heterosexuality. These practices emerged from à Ã‚ ° culture of heterosexual courtship which was increasingly based on public spaces and commercial leisure. As the family was supplanted by commercial and public space as à Ã‚ ° site for courtship, new rules, practices and pathologies were associated with these spaces of leisure. New rituals such as ‘dating, pre-marital sex in the form of petting, the use of public and semi-public spaces like dance halls and parks as an arena for courtship, and à Ã‚ ° vibrant and expanding obscene print culture, all formed part of à Ã‚ ° complex of practices in opposition to which new standards of sexual knowledge and health were defined. For sex reformers, the principal problem with these new forms of expression was that they encouraged forms of sexuality that were inherently unsatisfiable. Sexually titillating material of all kinds in cinema, theatre, print culture and in social practices such as dating or petting threatened to arouse the sexual instincts outside à Ã‚ ° moral or ethical context. For conservatives, the threat posed by obscenity resulted from the lack of the former, for sex reformers, the latter. The result was à Ã‚ ° culture which was assumed to produce forms of sexual expression such as petting, homosexuality, masturbation or fantasy which were at best emotionally detached and at worst were foreign to the true nature of the sexual impulse. The ignorant sensuality of the masses and the passivity of their new recreations was one of the cliche ´s of interwar cultural debate. However, à Ã‚ ° characteristic attribute of sex radicalism was the conviction that such ignorance was not unavoidably the fault of the masses themselves, but resulted principally from British habits of suppression. The argument put so ferociously by D. H. Lawrence, that censorship eroticized confidentiality, and thereby distorted the sexual impulse, was widely adopted. Edward Charles, author of an investigation into the nature of the sexual desire, was only one author to put Lawrences case. He described à Ã‚ ° fixation on the veil of secrecy which was ‘very like fetishism and which ‘obsesses probably 70 per cent of the population. As à Ã‚ ° result, an ‘unsatisfiable lasciviousness characterized the treatment of sex in accepted culture, while most people were satisfied to ‘spiritually masturbate before the knees of chorus girls or the walnut-stain sun-tan of the athletic-looking gigolo. Part of the antidote to mass taste was the spread of expertise. George Bernard Shaw, stating ‘The need for expert opinion in sexual reform to the World League for Sexual Reform Congress in 1929, observed that the masses were intrinsically conservative and unable of self-realization. Brought up as they were in clouds of secrecy, ‘the mass of people . . . have no idea of liberty in this direction. On the contrary, he continued, they were ‘the most ferocious opponents of it. Democracy, in which this inert mass ruled, tended only to reinforce this tendency. Arguing along similar lines, the progressive journal Plan stated in 1935 that sex education must ‘eradicate the obscurantist view of sex through ‘the premeditated adoption of à Ã‚ ° scale of values based upon reason and knowledge as distinct from superstition. This was to be done through the institution of networks of expertise, through the provision of ‘easily available sources of information (e.g. public clinics, lectures, books) upon sexual questions. In spite of this indistinctness, it was usually accepted that controlling the trade in such ‘low material was both necessary and desirable. The predicament was that the current law was not precise enough. The extraction of the Well of Loneliness in 1928 focused the debate on the breakdown of the law to differentiate between ‘frank pornography and art. But in the wake of the trial, many supporters of Radclyffe Hall and D. H. Lawrence were happy to argue that ‘actual pornography should be appropriately policed. The publisher Eric Partridge was not the first to conclude, following the case, that the Obscene Publications Act permitted ‘genuine literature to be confused with worthless pornography. Partridge, whose firm published Norah Jamess Great War novel Sleeveless Errand which was banned in 1931, wrote that although literary censorship was foolish, ‘Few would care to countenance the importation of books and pictures so filthily pornographic that they horrify and nauseate. Equally those in literary circles, like the journalist Kingsley Martin, who was also à Ã‚ ° member of the FPSI (foundation for public service interpreting) board, argued: ‘Most people agree that it is à Ã‚ ° good thing to maintain à Ã‚ ° hold over the vendors of books and postcards whose only object is to excite passion. Selling Pornography, Selling Science Historians of the twentieth century have tended to think of the market in pornography as furtive, largely invisible and devoid of the ‘real erotic content and photographic detail that has defined contemporary culture. However, networks did exist which brought pornography directly and indiscriminately into the middle-class home via the postal service. The sale of erotic postcards and literary classics seems to have functioned in two ways. Customers were either approached by speculative mail shots or were reached through the careful compilation and sharing of names by distributors. By the 1930s, the other principal outlets for pornography were the bookshops in most major cities. Some pornography was also distributed by legitimate companies. The problem posed by this market for sex reformers was not just that canonical works of sexology, but also their own books, often circulated along the same networks. Not only did the nature of the Obscene Publications Act make this situation uniquely problematic, but some of the obscene genres which emerged at this time, such as pulp magazines, set themselves up as more digestible, accessible and successful rivals of more serious sex reform and education. It was, he argued, ‘perfectly legitimate for à Ã‚ ° reader to respond to writing which may be classified under the category of erotic realism. Since it was ‘entirely legitimate for any reader to be interested in such things, it was ‘equally healthy and legitimate for him to derive instruction and enlightenment from such works whether they be fiction, poetry, or strictly scientific studies. There was, though, an equality of value between these media because now, more than ever, ‘the man in the street may well, in fact, derive more enlightenment from an erotic novel than from à Ã‚ ° medical treatise. Yet for sellers, buyers and advertisers of these different genres, such equivalence had always been obvious, and had made up à Ã‚ ° vital element of the sexual life world of individual readers. à Ã‚  body of sexual knowledge, which linked therapeutics and instruction with à Ã‚ ° new ethos of lifestyle pornography, was formed therefore partly via the protracted but ultimately enthusiastic compromise of expert opinion with consumerism. The Legal Regulation Of Pornography In United Kingdom Before the 1960s, sex education was conceived by sex reformers to be à Ã‚ ° problematic business of ‘reforming an inadequate and possibly perverse public. For these reformers, the problem of sexuality in mass society was typified by the conjunction of two things: first, by à Ã‚ ° generalized and pervasive sexualized aesthetic, which was held by many intellectuals before and after 1945 to epitomize the incitements and repressions of popular culture; and second, by pornography and other obscene material. Although it has Been attempted, defining obscenity and pornography is impossible unless the protean nature of the terms is addressed. As à Ã‚ ° number of writers has demonstrated, the obscene is an empty category, usually legal and cultural, which can include anything and is not necessarily defined by its sexual content. Cultural battles to secure the meaning of pornography and obscenity are therefore inherent in the very formation of the terms as legal and cultural categories, and are best seen as varied attempts to establish à Ã‚ ° particular brand of artistic or moral authority. As Walter Kendrick has pointed out, the obs Legal Regulation of the Pornography in the 21st Century Legal Regulation of the Pornography in the 21st Century â€Å"The legal regulation of pornography in the 21 st century in the United Kingdom† Abstract: Pornography accompanied humanity for a long time though the expressions of pornography vary with time and technological progress. Previously, the pornography industry was concentrating mainly in painting, with the invention of printing the pornography was widespread, later on with the invention of photography it led to the dissemination of pornographic pictures, furthermore the invention of cinema led the pornographic films in a similar vein and now video web, soon joined the pornography industry. Proper social and legal attitude toward pornography is a controversial subject for many years, some think about pornography in terms of obscenity breakthroughs based on religion or morality and refuse to discuss the problem or give it attention, others think of pornography in terms of liberal sexual liberation and freedom of expression and catch it embodies basic rights that protect them from oppression and mute. In the 70th new sound was heard the female voice is also joining the feminist opposition camp, as demand for gender equality and concern for the status of women. The problem of pornography remained a debate that hadnt been decided and resolved; the subject of pornography raises difficult issues relevant theoretical and philosophical issues of ethics, morality and arouses many legal disputes. In the following paper I will review the phenomenon of pornography in the United Kingdom in the context of the definitions, legal aspects and the developments. Furthermore I will analyze the problems that come with the pornography, the harm and the influence that it has on the children and youth. The main argument of this paper is the use of the freedom of expression to protect pornography. Other not less important argument in this paper deals with the question â€Å"whether the society does enough to protect young children and the next generation from the harms of pornography?† And eventually I will conclude the topic by including some suggestions for the future. Introduction Defining Pornography One of the main problem with the pornography is the fact that it is not defined in a clear definitions that can refer to each person individually. According to the online vocabulary the pornography is defined as â€Å"The explicit depiction or exhibition of sexual activity in literature, films or photography that is intended to stimulate erotic, rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings†. Any material such as pictures, videos, CDs, books or even words that are sexually explicit qualifies as Pornography. The definition explains the meaning of the pornography by saying that pornography involves more physical feelings rather then the emotion feelings, but the definition is not explaining the meaning of the term â€Å"Sexually explicit†. Thats when the definition problem plays the key role, how can we define what sexually explicit is when each person sees and understand things differently based on their culture, religion and personal preferences and morals, in certain countries showing womans uncovered ankles is considered as sexual explicit while in most of the modern western countries bare ankles, arms or even belly is not considered as anything unusual, however even in modern society some materials still count as sexually explicit such as representation of sexual acts in a written or visual way and a demonstration of very intimate exposed body parts such as the genitalia . The contradiction here is that an important question can be a raised â€Å"Does medical book considered as pornography?† based on the fact that Medical books contain demonstration of exposed genitalia pictures. The answer is that anatomy medical books are not viewed as pornography because of its purpose, the purpose of the anatomy book is to educate and give necessary information to the medical student it does not involve entertainment or stimulation of the viewer. According to the Etymology (Study that deals with the history of the words and how their form and meaning have changed over the centuries) the history of the word â€Å"Pornography† starts in 1857, and is translated as (â€Å"description of prostitutes) from French â€Å"pornographie† and from Greek â€Å"pornographos† (one) writing of prostitutes, from porne prostitute, originally bought, purchased (with an original notion, probably of female slave sold for prostitution; related t o pernanai to sell, from PIE root per- to traffic in, to sell, cf. L. pretium price) + graphein to write. Originally used of classical art and writing; application to modern examples began 1880s. Main modern meaning salacious writing or pictures represents a slight shift from the etymology, though classical depictions of prostitution usually had this quality† The Greeks were writing and painting such frescos on the walls of their brothels in order to advertise the homes were women sold their â€Å"love† to Greeks for money. As it was mentioned earlier it is a difficult task to define Pornography legally and morally as an individual due to the fact that most people can not distinguish the difference between Pornography and Erotica, it is very common to consider that Erotica is a â€Å"liter† and more censored version of Pornography. According to the Etymology the meaning of the word Erotic appears in 1621, and can be translated from the Greek word â€Å"Eroticos† as â€Å"sexual love†. If to compare the meanings and the definitions of the words Pornography and Erotica it is quite clear that Erotica is explained as something more pure and emotional rather when pornography is shown as something more physical and dirty. But mostly the term Erotica or Erotic is usually used my the artists and the art industry itself, furthermore artists after creating piece of art that include nudity or uncensored words that describe sexuality justify their work by saying that their piece of art is an Er otic rather then Pornographic due to the fact that the art represents something meaningful and has a point or a story to tell, it was created as a thought and it is not made in order to sexually stimulate the viewer. But again it is all in the eyes of the viewer to decide whether it is erotic or pornographic display that they see. In the case of Jacob Ellis v. Ohio, 1964 U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [hard-core pornography]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it and the motion picture involved in this case is not that. The words â€Å"But I know it when I see it† reinforce the point that it is up to the individual to decide whether it is pornography or not. The 21st Century Concerns Through the history of democracy freedom of expression and preoccupation always won the argument, the only time when it really straggled was when the debate was about the issue with the Pornography. The discussion over the engagement to permit the pornography takes place in countries among the most active broad issues in the field. From preoccupation with the limits of freedom of expression, freedom of religious and belief or alternatively, the separation between religion and state, questions about womens equal rights feminism, and more. Pornography, then, surprisingly, is deeply connected with it being a democracy. All these discussions about democracy are related and constitute an essential part of any such system. Democracy, if it wants to survive, requires providing an extensive freedom of expression also things that the community may not like to see, and allow its members to practice them and choose for them selves as long as it is not violates the rights of the others. Pornography also touches on gender, the countrys morality, crime, constitution and relations between the sexes. Regardless of the major issues and impacts that pornography has on children and women it is impossible and incorrect to prohibit pornography the answer is to restrict it to the levels where young children are protected and have no access to it, while the adults are free to have an access to pornography as long as it is not harming others. The only time when Pornography must be prohibit and banned is in the case of a child pornography and violent pornography. For the reasons that children are not able to protect them selves thats our duty as an adults to make sure children are away from those industries furthermore violent sex must be prohibit due to its nature. Adults that watch violent and extreme pornography are influenced by them and start to behave similarly. True it is not the video that makes a person to develop their personality and behavior, person is developed by their nature and nurture but those videos have an influence that might change ones views and believes by believing and accepting the porn as real. And the best argument for it is the example of advertising if images, videos and books are not influencing people then why people use advertisement? People are captured by the images and the human brain receives tons of images and information even when the person is not trying to obtain them. The main concern in the 21st century is the improvement and the development in the technology, the importance of the internet is major. People and most curtain children enjoy the virtual life due to the fact that internet is a free world where one can â€Å"slide† from one world to another as an anonymous. There is no need to prove your identity and your age. And those places on the web that do require identity prove such as the age confirmation it is very easy to lie or give false information and there is no way to check the reality of the one. The law protects the children and young people under the age of 18 in the real world by prohibiting the expose of the children to pornography and the prohibition to sell and provide pornographic materials to under aged young people and children. The law considers that a child would not be able to hide their age because those that sell the pornographic materials must check some ID that will prove their age. But that protection is not working on the virtual world at all. On the internet anyone and anytime can access pornographic materials such as videos and images for free and there is no need to provide any ID or proof of the real age of the viewer. Those websites that require providing an age by registering and providing the date of birth it is extremely simple to fool by typing a year of birth that is under the year of 1991. The problem in 21st century is the fact that the freedom of expression and speech is very important and can not be changed even if it means to protect our children from been exposed to Pornography. By prohibiting Pornography the rights of the creator and the consumer of the porn are violated, for the creator of porn because it is freedom of expressions, freedom of speech while for the consumer it is the right to enjoy the information or in the case of pornography materials. Yes if can be changed by arguing that children are more important then the right to create pornography but the problem here is not prohibition of pornography its the issue with the later circumstances that will follow the prohibition. In that can other people can try ban, limit or control other ways of freedom of speech and expression. One exception will lead to other exceptions and furthermore the freedom of the speech will be under the danger. For example in China the government decided to fight with pornography by banning and prohibiting Pornography totally including virtual pornography as well. All the major internet search bars such as Google yahoo and local Chinese tudou and beidu are blocked when ever users try to search for porn/pornography/sex. Not only are those, users that try to search those materials automatically appearing in the list of people that need to be under control. It might be a good idea to do so in a case of child pornography, in that way it would be easier to catch pedophiles but to block all the pornographic materials is not a correct way and to be honest impossible hackers can re open those websites secretly without any problems. It is a human nature to be curios and be interested in what is considered to be â€Å"forbidden† by restricting and prohibiting pornography materials the Chinese government is rising the curiosity of the youth to find out what is banned and why. Furthermore it can affect the youth in a bad way, some young people are shy and cannot consult with a doctor regards sex therefore they try to find out the information online. By blocking all the information regards sex the youth might not know the risk that it has (Chinese government is blocking not only pornography websites but any website or materials that include or describe sex and sexuality). Focus Of The Paper The paper will discuss and analyze a very interesting and important question of the Legal regulation of the Pornography in the 21st century in the United Kingdom. The question of the pornography is a complicated subject that has a major influence on the people. The paper is divided into chapters and each chapter deals with an individual subject or an issue that comes with the terms of the pornography. Introduction: the introduction to the subject of the pornography has three sections. First section deals with the definitions of the term pornography and the etymological definition of the word. Second section deals with the issues that occur with the pornography in the 21st century such as the freedom of speech and the first amendment that protects the pornography from been banned. Third section explains the focus of the paper by the chapters. The regulation of the pornography is divided into four sections. First section deals with the origins of the pornography with the historical evidence of the first pornographic illustrations, and the evolution of the pornography through the centuries with some famous pieces of art and literature that are defined as pornography. Not to be confused chapter two, section one deals with the background of the pornography itself and not the definition and meaning of the term â€Å"pornography† as it is in the first chapter, section one. Section two: The evolution of the pornography in the United Kingdom explains the influence and the development that lead pornography into United Kingdom, and illustrates the development of the pornography industry in the United Kingdom. Section three deals with the legal regulation of Pornography in United Kingdom, through the history. At last section four discusses the obscene publication act 1959, the power of the act and the bars that it created. Furthermore the section deals with the changes in the pornography industry and the legislations in the second half of the 20th century. The Danger Of The Pornography Is Divided Into Two Sections That Deal With The Harm Of The Pornography And The Influence It Has On The People. Section one deal with the issue of the children and pornography, the section discusses the danger and the influence that pornography has on the children, how the law protects the children from the pornography on the internet and in the everyday life. Section two deals with the topic of women and the pornography, how the pornography changed the views on women and the behavior of the men towards them, furthermore the section deals with the views of the feminists and the psychological studies that deal with the affect of the pornography on the violence towards women. Pornography and the morality is divided into two sections Section one deals with the changes that pornography brought into our lives, and the important problem that most of the countries deal with, the lost of the cultural and the traditional values influenced by the pornography. Section two of this chapter deals with the question of the pornography and the morality, the right of the one to be protected from been exposed to the pornographic materials, and furthermore how the religion deals with the rapid spread of the pornography industry. criticism and suggestions is divided into two sections. Section one deals with the criticism of the law towards pornography, the first amendment and the freedom of the speech that are used as a protective umbrella for the producers and the people that create the pornography industry and how the law protect ones right by limiting other persons rights. Last section of the chapter four deals with the proposals and suggestions that can and need to be done in order to protect the children from been exposed to the pornographic materials and to put a balance between freedom of speech and the pornography that is harmful, and finally to try to find a solution that will increase the protection from the pornography rather then to simply try to ban it. Pornography law cases and famous scandals This section illustrates the famous law cases and scandals that involved the topic of pornography in the United Kingdome and the rest of the world that influenced and lead to new legal terms. Conclusion The conclusion of the paper. The Regulation Of Pornography The Origins Of Pornography Pornography has its own story as well it turns out that the history of the Pornography is almost like a long history of mankind. The first pornography images actually appeared before the modern era, researchers discovered rock paintings demonstrating coitus and hunting between ancient people. It is slightly inaccurate to define those Petroglyphs as pornography based on the fact that the purpose of drawing those images is unknown. Human sexuality always documented throughout history, beginning with nude pictures on vases in Greece and Rome, where naked men and women were documented as an expression of beauty and admiration. In an ancient India scholar named Vatsyayana created the first Sanskrit text known as the â€Å"Kama Sutra† that explains the rules and manuals of sex, love and marriage. The Kama Sutra includes very detailed sexual intercourse images and explanations, Kama Sutra is the first and the most known pornographic text book, and furthermore Vatsyayana feared that the papers would disappear with time and decide to decorate the temples of Kajuharo with pornographic images of people having sex. With the beginning of the Christianity and the rise to the power, and with the fall of the Roman Empire, sex and sexuality started to be referenced variously. Species currently perceived as a source of sin, the cause that brought the expulsion of the first man from Eden. This moral concept came to serve as an alternative to the Roman liberated morality. In fact, with the change of human perception good creature has become a potential sinner, and that changed the attitude towards sex and it became anathema. St. Augustines writings reference woman and sex as the most negative kind. Augustine divides people into two the God-loving minority vast majority that love meat. People are uncontrollable with lust, especially when it comes to sex. Thus medieval Christianity tries literally to delete sex and sexuality. Sexuality will be used for breeding, and this only to prevent the extinction of the human kind. When sexuality becomes illegal the pornography began to fill in the space by creating rough sex charts and nudity illustrations. Throughout the middle Ages pornography was perceived as sexual sin, was addressed by the institutions accordingly. Sex ratio has not changed throughout this period until the Renaissance, which presented the female body as an expression of divine beauty with the paintings of many contemporary artists. Nudity and sex were further accepted as something artistic and beautiful rather then something sinful as it was earlier. It all changed during the days of Queen Victoria in Britain, which issued a number of laws prohibiting sexual publications. Ironically under this prohibition actually was published the most erotic newspaper written during that time called The Pearl, the pearl was an erotic newspaper that included numerous erotic stories and poems and was published in underground. Nudity and sexuality bursting again with the invention of the cinema, two years after the invention first time woman was undressed on the movie screens of French film Le BAIN from 1896. Early 20th century sexuality wins legitimacy and continues until the mid-thirties, when the American Film Committee takes laws and regulations that prohibit sexuality and nudity on the screen. But again, when sexuality is outlawed and prohibited it finds a way to get back in with some surprising ways. These constraints and prohibitions forced many screenwriters to come up with various ways of allusions to sex; known among them is the line: Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?† With the beginning of the sixties sexual revolution begins in the United States. This brings the bloom of magazines such as Playboy, first published in 1953 was the first mens magazine. Penthouse came out second after the Playboy in 1969, and the Hustler that surged into the world in1974. The last one reached the courts due to its contents, and the U.S. Supreme Court acquitted the magazine from its opponents claim with the right to the freedom of expression and preoccupation. Sexuality is among at last, and institutional recognition opens the legitimacy it has never won before. In the 20th century the pornography era grow and put its stamp in the business industry becoming part of normal modern life, with the inventions of the technology such as VCR and later on DVD In the 90th including the Internet breakthrough making pornography available to the home computers and a telephone lines it become so easy for a viewer to watch Pornography online. the access to pornography become easier and more private and that factor increase the demand for pornographic materials. It is very interesting how fast the civilization showed a progress, in 19th century people who were caught spreading pornography were brought to the court and had to pay fines. While today in the 21st century pornography is legalized almost in all countries with exception of Muslim states, India and China. The Evolution Of The Pornography In United Kingdom In addition to the legal definition, pornography was also at the centre of debates on elite and mass culture, and on the legitimacy of modernist literature, especially in interwar Britain. The nature of this debate evidently had its origins in the question of cultural authority and artistic value which preoccupied rational elites between the wars, and produced the disdainful Leavisite attitudes towards the masses catalogued by John Carey and D. L. LeMahieu. Though, this was not only à Ã‚ ° debate about culture. For sex reformers, it was also about new social practices. Before and after 1945, sex radicals not merely decried the form of mass culture, but also attacked à Ã‚ ° variety of practices of commercial leisure that were playing à Ã‚ ° constitutive role in the making of modern heterosexuality. These practices emerged from à Ã‚ ° culture of heterosexual courtship which was increasingly based on public spaces and commercial leisure. As the family was supplanted by commercial and public space as à Ã‚ ° site for courtship, new rules, practices and pathologies were associated with these spaces of leisure. New rituals such as ‘dating, pre-marital sex in the form of petting, the use of public and semi-public spaces like dance halls and parks as an arena for courtship, and à Ã‚ ° vibrant and expanding obscene print culture, all formed part of à Ã‚ ° complex of practices in opposition to which new standards of sexual knowledge and health were defined. For sex reformers, the principal problem with these new forms of expression was that they encouraged forms of sexuality that were inherently unsatisfiable. Sexually titillating material of all kinds in cinema, theatre, print culture and in social practices such as dating or petting threatened to arouse the sexual instincts outside à Ã‚ ° moral or ethical context. For conservatives, the threat posed by obscenity resulted from the lack of the former, for sex reformers, the latter. The result was à Ã‚ ° culture which was assumed to produce forms of sexual expression such as petting, homosexuality, masturbation or fantasy which were at best emotionally detached and at worst were foreign to the true nature of the sexual impulse. The ignorant sensuality of the masses and the passivity of their new recreations was one of the cliche ´s of interwar cultural debate. However, à Ã‚ ° characteristic attribute of sex radicalism was the conviction that such ignorance was not unavoidably the fault of the masses themselves, but resulted principally from British habits of suppression. The argument put so ferociously by D. H. Lawrence, that censorship eroticized confidentiality, and thereby distorted the sexual impulse, was widely adopted. Edward Charles, author of an investigation into the nature of the sexual desire, was only one author to put Lawrences case. He described à Ã‚ ° fixation on the veil of secrecy which was ‘very like fetishism and which ‘obsesses probably 70 per cent of the population. As à Ã‚ ° result, an ‘unsatisfiable lasciviousness characterized the treatment of sex in accepted culture, while most people were satisfied to ‘spiritually masturbate before the knees of chorus girls or the walnut-stain sun-tan of the athletic-looking gigolo. Part of the antidote to mass taste was the spread of expertise. George Bernard Shaw, stating ‘The need for expert opinion in sexual reform to the World League for Sexual Reform Congress in 1929, observed that the masses were intrinsically conservative and unable of self-realization. Brought up as they were in clouds of secrecy, ‘the mass of people . . . have no idea of liberty in this direction. On the contrary, he continued, they were ‘the most ferocious opponents of it. Democracy, in which this inert mass ruled, tended only to reinforce this tendency. Arguing along similar lines, the progressive journal Plan stated in 1935 that sex education must ‘eradicate the obscurantist view of sex through ‘the premeditated adoption of à Ã‚ ° scale of values based upon reason and knowledge as distinct from superstition. This was to be done through the institution of networks of expertise, through the provision of ‘easily available sources of information (e.g. public clinics, lectures, books) upon sexual questions. In spite of this indistinctness, it was usually accepted that controlling the trade in such ‘low material was both necessary and desirable. The predicament was that the current law was not precise enough. The extraction of the Well of Loneliness in 1928 focused the debate on the breakdown of the law to differentiate between ‘frank pornography and art. But in the wake of the trial, many supporters of Radclyffe Hall and D. H. Lawrence were happy to argue that ‘actual pornography should be appropriately policed. The publisher Eric Partridge was not the first to conclude, following the case, that the Obscene Publications Act permitted ‘genuine literature to be confused with worthless pornography. Partridge, whose firm published Norah Jamess Great War novel Sleeveless Errand which was banned in 1931, wrote that although literary censorship was foolish, ‘Few would care to countenance the importation of books and pictures so filthily pornographic that they horrify and nauseate. Equally those in literary circles, like the journalist Kingsley Martin, who was also à Ã‚ ° member of the FPSI (foundation for public service interpreting) board, argued: ‘Most people agree that it is à Ã‚ ° good thing to maintain à Ã‚ ° hold over the vendors of books and postcards whose only object is to excite passion. Selling Pornography, Selling Science Historians of the twentieth century have tended to think of the market in pornography as furtive, largely invisible and devoid of the ‘real erotic content and photographic detail that has defined contemporary culture. However, networks did exist which brought pornography directly and indiscriminately into the middle-class home via the postal service. The sale of erotic postcards and literary classics seems to have functioned in two ways. Customers were either approached by speculative mail shots or were reached through the careful compilation and sharing of names by distributors. By the 1930s, the other principal outlets for pornography were the bookshops in most major cities. Some pornography was also distributed by legitimate companies. The problem posed by this market for sex reformers was not just that canonical works of sexology, but also their own books, often circulated along the same networks. Not only did the nature of the Obscene Publications Act make this situation uniquely problematic, but some of the obscene genres which emerged at this time, such as pulp magazines, set themselves up as more digestible, accessible and successful rivals of more serious sex reform and education. It was, he argued, ‘perfectly legitimate for à Ã‚ ° reader to respond to writing which may be classified under the category of erotic realism. Since it was ‘entirely legitimate for any reader to be interested in such things, it was ‘equally healthy and legitimate for him to derive instruction and enlightenment from such works whether they be fiction, poetry, or strictly scientific studies. There was, though, an equality of value between these media because now, more than ever, ‘the man in the street may well, in fact, derive more enlightenment from an erotic novel than from à Ã‚ ° medical treatise. Yet for sellers, buyers and advertisers of these different genres, such equivalence had always been obvious, and had made up à Ã‚ ° vital element of the sexual life world of individual readers. à Ã‚  body of sexual knowledge, which linked therapeutics and instruction with à Ã‚ ° new ethos of lifestyle pornography, was formed therefore partly via the protracted but ultimately enthusiastic compromise of expert opinion with consumerism. The Legal Regulation Of Pornography In United Kingdom Before the 1960s, sex education was conceived by sex reformers to be à Ã‚ ° problematic business of ‘reforming an inadequate and possibly perverse public. For these reformers, the problem of sexuality in mass society was typified by the conjunction of two things: first, by à Ã‚ ° generalized and pervasive sexualized aesthetic, which was held by many intellectuals before and after 1945 to epitomize the incitements and repressions of popular culture; and second, by pornography and other obscene material. Although it has Been attempted, defining obscenity and pornography is impossible unless the protean nature of the terms is addressed. As à Ã‚ ° number of writers has demonstrated, the obscene is an empty category, usually legal and cultural, which can include anything and is not necessarily defined by its sexual content. Cultural battles to secure the meaning of pornography and obscenity are therefore inherent in the very formation of the terms as legal and cultural categories, and are best seen as varied attempts to establish à Ã‚ ° particular brand of artistic or moral authority. As Walter Kendrick has pointed out, the obs