Monday, January 27, 2020

Counselling and Guidance in Education

Counselling and Guidance in Education Guidance simply means instruction or direction. As a dictionary definition, â€Å"Guidance† means; help and advice about how to do something or about how to deal with problems connected with your work, education, or personal relationships. This term is strongly related with the profession of education as it is apparent from these definitions. For that reason a loose definition of â€Å"Guidance† specifically about education can be stated as â€Å"Information that is provided by the coach or teacher for the client to assist the learning of skills more effectively†. A term similar to guidance but different in some ways is called â€Å"Counseling†. The ACA (1997), adopted â€Å"Counseling† as the application of mental health, psychological, or human development principles, which are carried out through cognitive, affective, behavioral or systematic intervention strategies that address wellness, personal growth, or career development, as well as pathology. Gustad, John W. Berdie, Ralph F. (1953), defined Counseling as a learning-centered process, carried on face to face in a relax environment . In this atmosphere a professionally competent counselor, seeks to aid the client by the appropriate methods to the clients needs. The aim of this process is to learn more about himself and accept himself and have an idea about how to put such understanding into effect in relation to more clearly perceived, realistically defined aims. Thus, at the end of this process, the client may become a happier and more productive member of his society. According to Sears, Susan Jones Coy, Doris Rhea. (1991), in the educational aspect, Counseling could be defined as assisting students to make them gain skills or competencies in some important domains such as personal-social, educational, and career domains. The counseling in schools should include allocating significant amounts of time to promote or team-teach developmental learning activities in the classrooms. In the school context, in order to manage efficient counseling to the students some issues should be emphasized highly in the counseling programs. For instance; Personal-Social Skills, Career Development Skills and Educational Skills of the students should be examined in detailed and carefully. Furthermore, while counselors trying to aid the students, they also must consult with parents, teachers, other educators, and various community agencies with the aim of to help these students to deal with more serious personal and educational problems, both individually and in small groups.( Sears, Susan Jones Coy, Doris Rhea,1991) Although today â€Å"Counseling Guidance† is an essence in any grade of the school, actually it is a relatively new aspect of education when the vast experience in the field of teaching is compared. Jesse B. Davis, first men who provided a systematical school guidance program as a curriculum into an English course achieve it only at the beginning of the 20th century. This late appearance of counseling can be explained by the pioneers and followers statements. Davis reasons his achievement after his being backed by a non-partisan school board in which Sears and Coy (1991) agreed by emphasizing the influence of the nature of school systems and principals and other administrators belief about counseling, in their article â€Å"The Scope of Practice of the Secondary School Counselor†. When School Counseling term first used in the early 1900s, it was actually referring to â€Å"Vocational Guidance†. Lambie (2004) states that this guidance was more like todays â€Å"Career Counseling† with a focus on the transition from school to work, giving importance to an appropriate client occupation match. It was just an enhancement for the post-school vocational adjustments of young people as Super (1955) indicated. What he did is mentioned in â€Å"School Counselor Job Description† (Garland, 2008); â€Å"In 1907, Jesse B. Davis became the principal of a high school and encouraged the school English teachers to use compositions and lessons to relate career interests, develop character, and avoid behavioral problems. From that grew systematic guidance programs, which later evolved into comprehensive school counseling programs that address three basic domains: academic development, career development, and personal/social development†. According to Schmidt (2003) Frank Parsons, who is generally referenced as the â€Å"Father of Guidance† was also focusing on supporting the youngs transition into a suitable vocation on the basis of a mutual benefit between the youngs desires and abilities and an occupations requirements and environment when he first opened his guidance clinic in Boston in January,1908. Parsons in his book â€Å"Choosing a Vocation† expressed his aim in guidance in three principles; A clear understanding of yourself, your interests, skills, aptitudes, ambitions, resources, limitations, and their causes. Knowledge of the requirements and conditions of success, advantages and disadvantages, compensation, opportunities, and prospects of different lines of work. True reasoning on the relation of these two groups of facts. Lambie (2004) states that E.G. Williamson expanded Parsons vocation guidance principles and created the â€Å"Trait and Factor theory† which was the first guidance and counseling theory in the 1930s. This theory simply means matching of personal abilities and aptitudes and job factors like salary and atmosphere and this type of counseling is known as â€Å"Directive† or â€Å"Counselor-Centered†. Later in his book â€Å"How to Counsel Students† (1939), Williamson expressed that he and his colleagues were associated with their directive or counselor-centered approach to school counseling. According to this approach, school counselors need to provide students with information and gather facts to influence and motivate at the same time. According to Lambie (2004) this directive administrative style of working with students is still an expectation of school counselors in the settings where school counselors expected to enable desired student behavior with mini mal input or contextual influence. According to what Burnham (2003) stated; as a historical fact until World War I which gave more reasons to test individuals, the term heavily used was â€Å"Guidance†. However after the Great Depression â€Å"Counseling† became a widely known term by all educators. As the time of World War II came, The U.S. government requested assistance from counselors for selecting military and industrial specialist which created a greater emphasis on psychological testing from then on. And that directly influenced school guidance in the end. Until 1940s, when Carl Rogers wrote the book â€Å"Counseling and Psychotherapy: New Concepts in Practice†, there was not such a great effect on the development of the counseling profession and modern counseling approaches as Schmidt (2003) stated. Until World War II, Freuds psychoanalytic therapy and Williamsons directive approach were the only foundational theoretical models. According to DeCarvolho(1990) Rogers psychological humanism movement appeared as a response to the mechanical reductionistic view of people which is extended by psychoanalytic and behavioral theories. As Dewey (2007) stated; Rogers practiced non-directive or person-centered therapy contrary to his predecessor and in this therapy the client determined his or her own direction of change. Dewey (2007) also stated that in his works Rogers first used the term â€Å"client† and later simply â€Å"person† instead of using â€Å"patient† as he was implying the voluntary search of his client s for a helping relationship other than an involuntary relationship. Cobia Henderson (2003, as cited in Lambie,2004)expressed that following the inception of Rogers work, the term guidance began to be replaced in the literature by counseling, within which guidance is encapsulated. What is certain from Bardhoshi (2009) is that throughout the century-long history of the profession of school counseling, school counselors roles have expanded and changed according to the focuses of each decade. However, in order to make counseling process effective almost always these two methods have been offered: individual or group counseling. There are some practical differences between these two types in the branch of school counseling. Basically, individual counseling is a relationship in which a counselor seeks to help children understand and accept themselves. It provides an opportunity for children to explore their feelings, abilities, and interests so that they make maximum use of their potential. On the other hand, group counseling is used for a wide range of student concerns and interests most of which are related with development like; making friends, being comfortable with physical changes, emotional decisions, and learning problem-solving skills.(Burnham,2003) In this article, we aim to compare these two methods in detail to find the better/superior style. As a matter of fact, both of these counseling types have some advantages disadvantages compared to the other one; however the frequency of use of them shows only a matter of preference. In the article â€Å"Understanding Individual and Group Counseling†(2009) it is mentioned that â€Å"Individual Counseling† is a type of counseling which aids people to make clear their concerns, investigate the results they have tried before, and at the end, assist them to find new strategies to deal with their problems. Learning new problem-solving or coping skills, increasing self-understanding, exploring life patterns, and gaining a better sense of how their surroundings influence them could be included in the individual counseling process. In a more educational aspect, individual counseling also could be defined as a collaborative process in which a unique, confidential helping relationship is developed between a counselor and a willing client (student). In this relationship, the role of the professional counselor is a facilitator to assist the student to have more accurate knowledge about him/herself and the world around him/her. In a cooperative way, both the counselor and student tries to explore the student s emotions and behaviors, relationships with others, choices and decisions, as well as the students s current situation. In individual counseling processes, at first, it is necessary that the counselor should collect some personal, intellectual and emotional information about the students. It will be quite helpful to the counselor, in order to decide which counseling strategies will be most appropriate and beneficial for the students. Moreover, in this process, new ambitions could be formed.( Understanding Individual and Group Counseling,2009). Murthy(2003) also suggests a list of features a counselor for individuals should have, like knowing; The details about the client including the people who are the most influential people on his/her life and problems itself, The social and cultural background of the client About the treatment Special techniques to facilitate a good communication, to improve motivation and problem solving skills and to provide support And having; A warm, genuine, understanding and caring attitude Good communication skills Respect for the client Objectivity On the other hand in the book of â€Å"Individual and group counseling in schools†(Dustin,Ehly,1989) the components of an effective individual counseling listed as the followings; Establishing a baseline Specificity in behavioral description, goal setting, and evaluation Contracting for behavioral change Using reinforcement procedures to strengthen behaviors Using extinction/ignoring to weaken behaviors Training students to monitor their own change programs As Cuizon(2009) stated there are several advantages of individual counseling. In individual counseling, counselors have an opportunity to employ with separated problems and they care for just one client at a time. Also, it is much easier for counselor to work out the information which was collected beforehand, apply the most appropriate and efficient treatment to the client and decide on the target attitude which needs to be enhanced. In individual counseling there may not be misrepresentations about the thoughts and behaviors of the client compared to group counseling. Depending on the decisions he makes, the client has a great power to change his own life for the much better. He is the center and most important element in this process which means that he can control his behavior and that the level of commitment and his being ambitious to work will dictate how successful he will be in developing new behaviors that clearly communicate his needs. According to Burnham(2003) individual counseling has some reasons of being so popular. The fundamental reason is the most of the schools being structured on classes and classroom teachers and teachers tendency to release one student at a time to be less disruptive. Another reason of popularity of individual counseling is the impression of being more practical and easy to schedule. For the last, the tendency of counselor training programs towards preferring individual counseling by illustrating theories, techniques, and etc. through individual processes. There are also some researches that are indicating the superiority of individual counseling over group counseling from some aspects. Aughinbaugh(1968) in his book claims that relying heavily on group instead of individual counseling resulted from the increases in the junior college enrollment which created a shortage of qualified guidance personnel. As a result of a â€Å"two-year research study†, the group of students counseled individually was rated significantly higher by their counselors in growth in self-understanding compared to other two control group. However this research also indicates that compared to group counseled students, individually counseled students didnt show any significant difference in persistence, academic achievement, or goal motivation. The real significant difference was between these two counseled groups and the 3rd group consisting of the students who are not assigned to either group or individual counseling sessions. Aughinbaugh(1968) concludes t hat as long as special attention is paid to counseling, students benefit regardless of the method. Aside having some advantages, individual counseling has some disadvantages. According to Simmerman(2007) in general, individual counseling sessions are economically less efficient than group therapy. Because of the lack of non-partial observers, role playing is limited to the individual and the therapist. Moreover compared to a group setting, likelihood of therapy sessions to fall into a rut where progress is stalled is higher. On the other hand, there is also another type of counseling named as Group counseling. Gwendolyn Cuizon (2009) states that, Group Counseling which is forwarded by William Glasser is more correspondents with the Control Theory later named as Choice Theory. According to this theory, the reason of all the living creatures controlling their behaviours is to accomplish their need for satisfaction in some of these five areas such as survival, to belong and be loved by others, to have power and importance, freedom and independence, and to have fun. Love and belongingness are the most significant ones among them. This kind of feeling is promoted with the help of the group counseling. Group counseling has great influence on the feeling of being connected to others. Tricia Ellis-Christensen (2003), claims that Group counseling is a form of therapy, which establishes a viewpoint that people benefit from shared experiences.. While a therapist usually carries out group counseling, actually the contributions of other members in the group are considered quite valuable, for most of the people in the group, more or less share similar issues or experiences. In the Group counseling, the individuals take place that are experiencing some difficulties related with the personal, educational, social, vocational issues which they hope to solve. ( Corey Corey, 1992). In group counseling process, the focus could be the aims such as relating better to their families, becoming organized, or relaxing in the presence of supervisors at work the person achieved. Gladding, Samuel T. (1994) says that, in starting group counseling, making decisions in advance is a vital issue. In other words; the first step in this process is pregroup planning. In order to relinquish productive and pragmatic results for participants, at first leaders should design groups. Objectives, membership, rules, time, place, and dynamics are the most important considerations in this process. Gladding, Samuel T. (1994) states that rules to control the people in the groups should be few brief and clear, so that counseling groups run in the best way. If there are a great many of rules, there will be a tendency in some members to forget some of these rules. Also, if the rules are not so clear, some of them will be definitely broken by some of the members In group counseling, â€Å"the time and place† are quite significant issues. Gladding, (1994) says that â€Å"Although counseling groups vary, members need a specific, consistent time and place to meet. Most groups meet for one and one half to two hours each week for 12 to 16 sessions. The meeting room should be quiet and inviting and away from other activities. Groups work best when chairs are arranged in circles where everyone feels a sense of equality with one another and the flow of communication is enhanced† (Gladding, 1994). Childers Couch, 1989 states that the group leaders have also quite significant role in this process. Effective group leaders should investigate potential members before they accept them. In the group counseling, the ideal group size is 8 to 12.By this way; members have a chance to express themselves without forming into subgroups. Feedback and explanation can be utilized by leaders; as a result they can immediately clarify and correct misunderstandings. According to Corey Corey, (1992), Some important variable techniques should be employed by leaders of effective counseling groups .In the below there are the most important ones among the many techniques: Active Listening: In this technique leaders should be sensitive to the language, tone, and nonverbal gestures surrounding members messages; Linking: with the help of this one, leaders help members recognize their similarities; Blocking: Leaders keep unfocused members from disrupting the group by either redirecting them or preventing them from monopolizing conversations Summarizing: In this technique leaders assist members recognize what has occurred and how the group and its members have changed. Apart from these techniques above , there are also other vital skills such as Empathy, personal warmth, courage, flexibility, inquiry, encouragement, and the ability to confront. Vivian V. Ripley, Gary E. Goodnough states there are also some strategies which are quite successful in planning and implementing group counseling. They strongly believe that when these strategies were implemented correctly and effectively, the solutions will be rather helpful for the students. Briefly, they name the strategies as Logistical Strategies (School Structure and Student Need) Developing Awareness, Policy Considerations, Access to Students, Counselor Planning and Preparation Group Procedures, Counselor Preparation Co-leaders. Group counseling has a great many of advantages to assist the people to resolve their problems. One of the main principals of group counseling is the idea that dealing with specific issues may cause isolation, and also the person could feel himself alone while facing or dealing with his problems. Group counselings aim is to cancel out this isolation feeling by forming an atmosphere where the people with almost same problems could come together and share their thoughts feelings or difficulties. Thus, people could realize that these problems are not singular to one person.and this will be quite helpful to person to handle his problems more easily.( Tricia Ellis-Christensen (2003)) Gladding, Samuel T. (1994) claims that people have natural tendency to gather in groups for mutually beneficial purposes., individuals carry out their goals and also much more innovative and productive ways having an interaction other group members with the help of the groups. He also asserts that, without involving in groups surviving would be impossible for the people.. Gwendolyn Cuizon(2009),says that â€Å"Group counseling is better than individual counseling when it comes to developing new behaviors that clearly communicate their needs and help in attaining fulfillment in the reality. Group therapy considers the key elements of what the group are looking for and what will make their life better, what the group will do to bring about what they want and how they are able to make alternative options and come up with common plan.† He also claims that with the help of the Group counseling members have a great opportunity to learn with and from other people in the group .and also they could be able to recognize their own ways of thoughts and behaviors, as well as those of others. Attitudes and behavior patterns that are limiting and difficult to see in self could be seen by other people. In order to receive genuine support, honest feedback, and useful alternatives from peers a group is a quite a good chance. Besides the advantages of group counseling, according to the some researcher, there are also disadvantages of this counseling type. For instance, Gwendolyn Cuizon (2009),mentions that the movement and involvement of the group members could be insufficient in group counseling. Reflecting too many feelings and listening to too many long stories could be a problem for both the leaders and the other members in the group. There is also an option that the group leader couldnt use enough creative techniques to get and hold the attention of the group members. When techniques arent supported with theory and focusing the group sessions arent focused sufficiently, the productivity and the efficiency of the group counseling dramatically decreases. As all the researchers stated the use of these counseling types is a matter of preference. Etc. etc.. In schools, counseling to the students should be carried out both individually and in small groups. Counselors, in schools, must always allot some time for counseling students about their personal-social problems. Moreover, in some cases, counselors may need to utilize newer theoretical approaches, such as brief therapy, in order to be as effective as possible in a limited number of sessions.( Sears, Susan Jones Coy, Doris Rhea,1991)

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Juxtaposition between Mattie and Zeena in Ethan Frome Essay -- essays

According to the Microsoft Word Encarta Dictionary, juxtaposition is to place two or more things, side by side, in order to emphasize contrasts and similarities between them. Edith Wharton deliberately places the characters of Mattie Silver and Zeena Frome together in the novel Ethan Frome to compare and contrast them. Although Mattie has only recently been exposed to Starkfield, Zeena's has lived in there for seven despondent years. Wharton's intent was to make the reader accustomed to seeing Zeena and Mattie in such harsh comparison, thus making the climatic ending extremely ironic. Throughout the novel, Wharton accentuates characteristic of Zeena's and Mattie's character such as their physical appearances which creates conflict in the interactions of the women with Ethan and consequently each other, until ironically the two characters finally fuse and become one. Despite the common clichà ©, ?don?t judge a book by its cover,? you never get a second chance to make a first impression, most first impressions are derived from appearance. Edith Wharton harshly juxtaposes the appearances of Mattie and Zeena, to such an extreme that it almost seems bias. From the beginning of the novel, Zeena is depicted as an old and ?repugnant? (46) housewife. Substantial background information is not given, nor causes for her worn out and ?bloodless? (53) demeanor. ?Though she was but seven years her husband?s senior, she was already an old woman.? (53) In harsh comparison, Mattie is portrayed as a youthful, vivacious woman, yet with natural beauty. This drastic juxtaposition is black and white, with no grey areas, just the strong Mattie and the feeble Zeena. However, the colors used to describe Mattie and Zeena are not black and white, they each ... ...tie so sweet and kindhearted, was for the readers to feel sympathy for Ethan, who is in a lifelong commitment with Zeena. Wharton made the ending, when Zeena and Mattie became one, ironic, through the use of juxtaposition and creating characters with significant differences between them. Wharton possessing the skill of juxtaposition added depth and irony to the book, but when the reader realizes her underlying purpose, Ethan Frome and Mattie Silver no longer deserve the sympathy they received all book. Zeena, throughout the book, was looked at too harshly, not realizing the underlying reasons for her ugliness and depression, and deserves the readers sympathy. This book expresses many insightful accounts of the life of Ethan Frome, but it?s the ideas Wharton doesn?t mention, and the secrets she withheld from the reader that effects one?s perceptive on the characters.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

What are the key similarities and differences between Freud and Jung’s theories of dreams?

Introduction Historically, dreams have often been given cultural significance all over the world, and various speculations abound on the origin and function of this intriguing phenomenon. However, it was the pioneering work of Freud in the late 19th Century which truly revolutionised the way dreams are discussed in much contemporary discourse. Although as a theory it is unfalsifiable and does not easily lend itself to empirical investigation, it subsequently remains somewhat outside of the conventional scientific approach to the study of psychological phenomena, as do the ideas of Jung. Psychodynamic theories have nonetheless been influential particularly with regard to dreams since their exact purpose and the genesis of their content is not demonstrably explicable in terms of mechanistic perspectives on sleep and mind. Clearly then these theories appeal to people, and they have resulted in psychotherapeutic methods of analysis that have been helpful to some people (Freud, 1940). With this in min d, this essay will seek to establish the individual contributions of Freud and Jung, where they concur and where their theories come into conflict. In order to do this each theory must first be outlined. Freud ascribed a crucial central position of dreams in his overall model of the psyche (Jones, 1913). He saw dreams as indicative of pathologies and emotions affecting conscious life, either directly or through the action of his proposed concept of the unconscious. Freud believed that in fact the majority of the mental processes governing an individual’s thoughts, feelings and therefore behaviour, take place in the unconscious mind, and that an intrinsic censor keeps these processes and underlying drives from conscious awareness (Freud, 1922). This unconscious-conscious distinction is necessary, Freud argues, because the feelings evoked by conscious knowledge of true motivational drives and internal struggles would be unacceptable, and therefore these must be hidden in the un conscious. These unacceptable notions only become available to consciousness in transformed appearance; becoming something analogous but more acceptable to the individual. One of the primary ways Freud supposed that the unconscious communicated its contents to the conscious mind was via dreams. The actual experienced content of dreams Freud names the manifest content, whereas the true meaning of the dream as it is stored in the unconscious was dubbed the latent content (Freud, 1900). Through the method of psychoanalysis, utilising such techniques as free association and projective methods using external stimuli, such as the Rorschach inkblot test, Freud believed the latent content of dreams could be uncovered, and that the revelation of this information In the light of consciousness could alleviate many neurotic symptoms (Fenichel, 2006). As far as Freud was concerned, dreams communicate their message through symbolic means. Images encountered in dreams represent some aspect of the dreamer’s psyche and their interpretation can result in profound insights into the inner life of an individual. For Freud, the meaning of certain dream symbols could be ubiquitous between individuals; if one person was dreaming of the Eiffel tower then this could be interpreted in much the same way as if another person were also dreaming of the Eiffel tower. The only way the interpretation would differ would be in regard to the dream context; that is, the place the object of the Eiffel tower occupied in relation to other dream objects, the motifs and themes involved in the dream as well as more ambient feelings surrounding dream objects. Therefore, two dreams involving the Eiffel tower could be interpreted quite differently, but the symbolic Eiffel tower could be said to have similar if not synonymous meaning between persons, according to Freud (1954). A key aspect of Freud’s theory of the unconscious is that the ego (the symbolic self) develops defence mechanisms to p rotect itself from thoughts and feelings that it finds unacceptable, typically these are feelings of inadequacy, social comparisons or unbearable desires of some kind. This arsenal of defence mechanisms includes repression, denial, sublimation and projection. This list is not comprehensive but these are the primary mechanisms by which feelings that are deemed harmful to the ego are exiled to the unconscious (Freud, 2011). In Freud’s theory, these unconscious desires and feelings then manifest themselves symbolically in dreams through almost universally recognisable and interpretable symbols. Another aspect of this theory is that dream objects may form categories. In other words, different but perhaps similar objects may mean the same thing in terms of latent content. One classic example of a semantic category of this kind is phallic symbols; essentially anything cylindrical is often interpreted to denote a phallus, or more abstract ‘power’ (Orrells, 2013). The dr eam analysis would then proceed with the latent content supplanted in the place of the manifest content, and the true meaning of the dream could be interpolated depending on the dream context. Freud was essentially working towards an encyclopaedic knowledge of the meaning behind each dream symbol (Freud, 1900) and although there was some acknowledgement that these symbols could be represented differently between diverse people, much of his theory lacks generalizability. This point becomes especially relevant when it is remembered that his theory was developed using only qualitative data obtained from neurotics (Freud, 1922). As a contemporary of Freud’s, Jung developed his theories largely without his input. When the two met they found that most of their ideas regarding the unconscious and its expression in dreams were compatible if not identical. However, there were some key areas of divergence; chiefly there are new concepts introduced by Jung, and disagreements over the ex act nature of the unconscious. Despite specific differences, there is no denying the striking similarity of the theories with regard to the genesis of dreams, the structure of the individual psyche and to a large extent the interpretation of dream content. Freud and Jung agreed that dreams harbour feelings, thoughts and desires which are unacceptable or painful to conscious awareness. Jung took this notion a step further and coined the term ‘complex’. A complex centres on a certain theme which pervades a person’s life again and again in many different ways. It must be a recurring theme which profoundly influences the psychology of the individual. Unlike the more general terms used by Freud, the idea of a complex provides a more structured way of understanding an individual’s unconscious expressions through the methods used in psychoanalysis, and the term was adopted by Freud into his psychology (Schultz and Schultz, 2009). Jung also introduced the concept of the collective unconscious, as he felt that Freud’s formulation of the unconscious was apt when applied to the individual, but incomplete as it could not account for the consistency of certain dream themes and even specific symbols between individuals (Jung, 1981). Jung believed that the consistency of dreams between individuals was best explained by introducing a new level to the unconscious; a communal level where universally relevant archetypal symbols filter in disguised form into the conscious awareness of individuals through dreams. These archetypes are fundamental aspects of life which apply to all people, and as such are ingrained in some way in all cultures, but are expressed differently between cultures in their respective myths, legends and deities. For Jung, archetypal images include that of the mother, to give an idea of the sort of motifs supposedly inherent in the collective unconscious. Although Freud would later acknowledge the idea of a collective unconsc ious (Jung, 1936), he still did not attribute particular importance to it like Jung did, seeing it as more of an ‘appendix’ to the personal unconscious. The collective unconscious was of paramount importance in Jung’s theory of dreams; he supposed that many dream images and themes could be interpreted as representing archetypes present in the collective unconscious (Jung, 1981). It is necessary here to delve a little further into Jung’s theory of the general human psyche to fully appreciate his perspective on dreams. Jung believed the ultimate goal of life was ‘individuation’ (Jung, 1923), which refers to the unification of personality, and an acknowledgment of all unconscious impulses. This integration of the unconscious with consciousness can only occur with the two still operating in relative autonomy but with the conscious mind achieving a degree of acceptance of the unconscious; both the collective and personal unconscious that is. Until individuation can be achieved, the individual must continue to attempt to differentiate themselves from the collective consciousness through the establishment of an individual persona. The persona is shaped through the processes of socialisation and individual experience and therefore the persona an individual choses to project may not truly reflect how they are feeling or thinking. Jung argued this persona is also shaped by the collective unconsciousness, and this struggle for individuation against the archetypes, and the strain felt by wearing the persona like a ‘mask’ is expressed in dreams (Jung, 1923). The idea of integrating opposites features heavily in Jung’s theories, and he believed that dreams could be expressions of this internal struggle, which is a perspective shared by Freud. However, it is clear that there is disagreement on the origins of the internal struggles; for Freud they arise only from the pressure of individual desires which are deemed as unacceptable by the conscious mind, whereas Jung saw in dreams the process of socialisation via exposure to the collective unconscious and the archetypes, while at the same time the ego struggles against such influence for the possibility of individuation. It can be gleamed from this description of the theories of Jung compared to those of Freud that Jung’s had more of a spiritual aspect to them. The idea of a collective unconscious inhabited by concepts that are familiar to all people does have an air of transcendence compared to the personal unconscious, which is concerned only with the unbearable thoughts of the one individual concerned. The objectivist worldview of Freud can be clearly contrasted here with that of Jung who did not discount spiritual perspectives, but saw in them analogies, representations and affirmations of his own concepts, albeit expressed with some artistic licence and cultural influence. The goal of individuation, Jung thought, was at the mystical h eart of all religions, whereas the collective unconscious gave rise to all manner of representations in religious texts. This brings us to another way in which the theories differ. Freud conceptualised the unconscious as being overwhelmingly focused on negative emotions and thoughts concerning the ego. The complex for Freud was always a malevolent phenomenon. Jung did not believe this necessarily had to be the case, and stipulated that the unconscious could contain desires, thoughts and feelings of any emotional valence. Jung believed that the contents of the personal unconscious could have been repressed from consciousness for any number of reasons, which differs drastically from the opinion of Freud who believed that this was only possible through the activation of the defence mechanisms he conceived of. Indeed, Jung saw many of the archetypes as benign abstractions (Jung, 1981) shared by all cultures which are universally effective in shaping the socialisation of all members of a society. Jung’s theory then has greater scope, in encapsulating the macro-level influences which affect all people as well as individual tendencies expressed in dreams; Freud focused to heavily perhaps on the individual and their immediate relations. Both Freud and Jung believed that unconscious underlying emotions for certain concepts drive external behaviour, the primary disagreement is over the placement of these emotional drives. Jung proposed that images filter up from the collective unconscious and are given individualised guises appropriate to each individual (but they nonetheless represent the same archetype). Feelings regarding this archetype arise from personal experience and inherent inclinations. These feelings are then expressed in the personal unconscious through dreams and take on personal significance in the conscious mind. In Freud’s theory, the process of unconscious expression takes place solely in the personal unconscious and is concerned with emot ions, thoughts and desires surrounding personal relationships and experience (Williams, 1963). Both of these psychodynamic theorists saw dreams as a key diagnostic tool in psychotherapy. However, there was some divergence in interpretative technique; primarily that Jung did not believe that the meaning of one dream symbol could be transferred effectively between people. To reuse the earlier example, to dream of the Eiffel tower could be interpreted completely differently depending on who dreamed it, their personal circumstances and the dream context. The dream image of the Eiffel tower for Jung does not inherently mean anything in and of itself. Although both methods of interpretation have resulted in the lessening of neurotic symptoms for some patients (Freud, 1954; Jung, 1936) the fact that these theories are essentially speculative cannot be overlooked lightly. Both Freud and Jung attached paramount significance to dreams in the functioning of the human mind, reading great meanin g into sometimes seemingly arbitrary dream images, but the fact that these theories cannot be empirically tested and rely on mainly neurotic patients for the acquisition of evidence is a serious criticism of both theories. The purpose of dreams is another area in which these theories put forward different views. Both theorists agree that the unconscious is expressed in dreams, but Jung adds that socialisation occurs through exposure to the collective unconscious, and individuation is sought through the establishment of an appropriate place for the ego in relation to the archetypes (Jung, 1936). Therefore, dreaming is a process of growth for Jung, whereas Freud saw dreams as expressive and in need of interpretation for them to really be of use to the dreamer. A common theme in both theories though when it comes to the purpose of dreams is compensation. In psychoanalytic theory, it is assumed that dreams can arise to compensate for a conscious attitude thus balancing the position of t he ego, this perspective is shared by both Jung and Freud. In a compensatory dream, the dreamer may be expressing a contrary attitude to one consciously held, although this would occur in disguised form as the manifest content in the dream. This assumption would factor into the psychoanalytic strategy employed by both theorists, where they would most notably differ would be in their interpretation of the meaning of certain symbols; whether they represent archetypes (as in Jung’s theory) or are analogous to personal relationships with people or objects in conscious life (as in Freud’s theory). To conclude, there initially appears to be many more similarities than differences between the theories of Freud and Jung regarding dreams. Both postulate the existence of an unconscious which expresses itself with symbolic images through dreams for the purpose of compensation; both see the interpretation of the unconscious expression as potentially beneficial, and the pathology o f neuroses is seen to have a causal influence in the unconscious desire. Despite these fundamental similarities there is also much divergence. Most of the theoretical difference is created by the proposition of the collective unconscious by Jung. This introduces a spiritual element, and an additional purpose of dreaming, which involves communing with archetypal forms to establish personal identity, and maintain a properly socialised persona. This is mostly incompatible with Freudian theory, which takes a more objective view and focuses on patterns of unconscious expression within the personal unconscious between individuals, seeking to establish a universal method of dream interpretation, something Jungian theory would deem impossible. 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Friday, January 3, 2020

Jollibee Business Plan - 1126 Words

JOLLIBEE PHILIPPINES BUSINESS PLAN Evelyn A. Gaspar BSBA – IV AM Description of Business Jollibee is a well-known fast-food restaurant in the Philippines offering food great tasting and great value food. It has attained success from its humble beginnings. In 1975, Tony tan Caktiong, the founder of Jollibee and his family opened up a Magnolia ice cream parlor in Cubao, Quezon City. Sometime in 1978, Caktiong and his brothersand sisters engaged the services of a management consultant, Manuel C. Lumba. Lumba shifted the business focus from ice cream to burgers after studies proved that a much larger market was waiting to be served. Tony considered Lumba’s advice. So, he came up with the decision to fully transform his business†¦show more content†¦Description of Products and Services Jollibee is an American-style fast-food restaurant with Filipino-influenced dishes specializing in burgers, spaghetti, chicken and some local Filipino dishes. Jollibee provides their customers with the most delectable fast-food foods. Jollibee Philippines is among of the many fast food restaurants here in the country that offers the right kind of taste that Filipinos look for in a fast-food restaurant. Jollibee started as an ice cream parlor. It sold ice cream originally named as Jolibe rather than burgers. After several years, Jolibe shifted from ice cream to hamburgers. And sure enough, their hamburgers became a hit for a lot of Filipinos. After this success, Jolibe was reformed to Jolly Bee and made the two words form a single name Jollibee. Then, product name â€Å"Yumburger† and â€Å"Chickenjoy† were created. These two became popular to the Filipino children. Through effective advertising, Yumburger and Chickenjoy turned out to be the best-selling productsShow MoreRelatedJollibee Food Operation1582 Words   |  7 PagesJOLLIBEE FOOD CORPORATION Medium – Term Strategic Plan Prepared by [pic] Date 30th October, 2009 STRATEGIC PLAN FORMART Page I. Introduction 3 II. Brief Description of the Company 3 III. Mission/ Vision/ Values 4 IV. SWOT Analysis 4 V. Business Objectives 5 VI. Key Strategies 6 VII. Key Activities 6 Introduction Nowadays, the environment of business is more severe. This is aRead MoreSfsw680 Words   |  3 PagesGeographic dispersion amp; cultural diversity As economic borders come down, cultural barriers will most likely go up and present new challenges and opportunities for business. 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Secondly, Jollibee was young, and very small in comparison of McDonalds whose force worldwide is standardization. The burger company serves millions of exactly identical sandwich each