How to write references for a research paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Sand Drawing Essay Example For Students
Sand Drawing Essay Sand Drawing take it that expressions object is to light up the world in another manner, incite a response, and by one way or another adjust the awareness of the onlooker _ Sand craftsmanship unquestionably succeeds this reason. The first run through observed an exhibition of this specific workmanship, was paved_ Its fragile yet mind boggling execution makes the granular stuff sufficiently vocal to mix a reasoning soul. Sand drawing is an In-Vaunt aesthetic and custom convention and practice perceived by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a gem of the oral and impalpable legacy Of humankind. The name sand craftsmanship compactly clarifies the medium however neglects to explain the moving miracle that it figures out how to rouse. It is consistently in steady movement, developing each second, sand workmanship includes support as the onlooker observes live execution craftsmanship made before them. The entirety of the bends, circles, lines and circles are totally associated with structure a plan that recounts to a story. It is essential to finish the structure smoothly and constantly, halting in the center is viewed as a defect in the drawing. Frequently a matrix is attracted the sand and afterward a structure is made with the network as a system. Now and again the matrix is included straight lines and different occasions it is made from an example of spots. A considerable lot of the structures are finished in a persistent line that closes where it starts. Others are made out of a gathering to evenly orchestrated lines. These geometrical figures were viewed as one of the most critical social discoveries by Bernard Deacon, an English Anthropologist. In a letter to his kindred Anthropologist he composed: Ive positively never observed or heard anything like it. He ran over complex plans attracted the sand and in the residue of volcanic debris fields. He chose to record the drawings and their implications as he went through Malamute, Mamba, Amber, Panama, Pentecost, Meow, Pep, and the Banks Islands. A portion of these drawings depict the quality and characters of mythic saints. Others recount the universe of spirits. There are some sand drawings that are pictures Of plants or creatures. Others are utilized for motivations behind correspondence and replace numbers or expressions. In other sand drawings a significant subject is the normal world that encompasses us. There is positively otherworldliness to the work and its brief nature talks volume. LINES depicts sand drawing as a rich and dynamic realistic custom which has created as a methods for correspondence among the individuals from somewhere in the range of 80 diverse language bunches occupying the focal and northern islands of Vaunt. The drawings additionally work as mental helpers to record and transmit customs, fanciful legend and an abundance of oral data about nearby accounts, cosmologies, connection frameworks, tune cycles, cultivating strategies, engineering and specialty structure, and choreographic examples. Most sand drawings forces a few capacities and layers of significance: they would he be able to peruse as aesthetic works, vaults to implication, outline tort stories, marks, or essentially alleviates and objects of examination, The Vaunt Cultural Center has noted sand drawings substance and profound sense is having a tendency to vanish.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Excercise Essay Example
Excercise Paper Installments you made to Davits Salon for your hair and make up. 7. Acquisition of stocks and bonds by a financial specialist. 0 8. Creation and offer of weed 9. Development off new industrial facility straight private endeavor. 0 10. Acquisition of imported chocolates by customers. 0 1 . Vegetables created in the lawn and devoured by the family unit. 0 12. Deals of recycled vehicles. EX. 3. Deals by Intel Philippines of semiconductors to the US. 0 14. Deals of a San Miguel Brewery in Hong Kong to the Chinese Mainland. 0 15. Deals by Motile of vehicle batteries to Ionians Philippines II.. Show to which the accompanying things have a place by composing GAP for Gross Domestic Product, GNP for Gross National Product. Both for a thing that is remembered for both GAP and GNP. BOTH 1 Salary of your instructor in Economics. BOTH 2. Christmas reward paid to government workers of the Philippines. BOTH 3. Clinical protection premium paid to a Filipino insurance agency in Magmata. Hole 4. Consultancy expense of a US researcher working in the Philippines. GNP 5. Compensations of abroad Filipinos in Hong Kong. GNP 6. Benefits of San Miguel in Hong Kong. Hole 7. Benefits of LOS investor of Intel Philippines. GNP 8. Rental pay of a Filipino who possesses a loft in the US. BOTH 9. Rental pay off Filipino possessed apartment suite in Vito Cruz. Hole 10. Pay of the Japanese leader of Honda Philippines. II. Fill in the spaces. 1. A steel organization offers some steel to a bike organization for $150. The bike organization utilizes the steel to deliver a bike, which it sells for $250. Taken together, these two exchanges contribute the amount to GAP? Keeps an eye on. $250 2. Assume there are just two firms in an economy: Rolling Rawhide produces rawhide and offers it to Cheney Chomp, Inc. , which utilizes the rawhide to create and sell hound bites. We will compose a custom article test on Excercise explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Excercise explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Excercise explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer With each 52 of rawhide that it purchases from Rolling Rawhide, Chewy Chomp, Inc. Produces a canine bite and sells it for $5. Neither one of the firms had any stock toward the start of 2008. During that year, Rolling Rawhide created enough rawhide for 1000 canine bites. Chewy Chomp, Inc. Purchased 75% of that rawhide for $1500 and vowed to purchase the staying 25% for $500 in 2009. Chewy Chomp, Inc. Delivered 750 canine bites during 2008 and sold every one during that year for $5. What was the economy GAP for 2008? Keeps an eye on. $4250 IV. The table beneath contains information for the nation of Crete for the year 2010. All out salary $5731 Household acquisition of tough merchandise 1108 Household acquisition of nondurable products $702 Household acquisition Of Nan-training administrations $203 Household acquisition of instruction administrations $302 Household acquisition of new lodging $816 Purchases of capital hardware $333 Inventory changes $75 Purchases of new structures $267 Depreciation $401 Local government spending on products and ventures $236 State government spending on products and enterprises $419 Federal government spending on products and enterprises $1182 Transfer installments $707 Foreign acquisition of locally delivered merchandise $217 Domestic acquisition Of remote merchandise $129 1. What was Crates GAP in 2010? Keeps an eye on. $5731 2. What was Crates utilization in 2010? Keeps an eye on. $2315 3. What was Crates interest in 2010? Keeps an eye on. $ 1491 4. What were Crates government buys in 2010? Keeps an eye on. $1837 5. What were Crates net fares in 201 0? Keeps an eye on. $88 V. The table underneath contains information for the nation of Fatherland, which delivers just waffles and flapjacks. The base year is 2009. Year Price of Waffles Quantity of Waffles Price of Pancakes Quantity of Pancakes 2008 $2. 00 100 $1. 00 2009 120 150 2010 $3. 00 200 201 1 $4. 00 180 220 1. In 2008, this countrys ostensible GAP was $300 2. In 2009, this countrys ostensible GAP was $540 3. In 2008, this countys genuine GAP was $400 4. In 2009, this countrys genuine GAP was $540 5. In 2010, this countrys genuine GAP was $700 In 2011, this countrys genuine GAP was $800 6. 7. 2008, this countrys GAP deflator was $75 8. In 2009, this countrys GAP deflator was 100 In 2010, this countrys GAP deflator was 128. 6 9. 10. In 201 1, this countrys GAP deflator was 172. 5 11. From 2010 to 2011, this countrys yield grew 14. 3%. 12. This countrys swelling rate from 2008 to 2009 was 33. 3%. 13. This countrys expansion rate from 2010 to 201 1 was 34. . VI. The table underneath relates to Knapsack, an economy wherein the run of the mill buyers bushel comprises of 2 pads and 15 wieners. Cost of a Pillow cost of a Hotdogs $40 $3 $45 $4 $50 . In the event that the base year is 2009, at that point the customer value list was 100 of every 2009, 2. 120 out of 2010, and 3. 116 of every 201 1. 4. In the event that the base year is 2009, at that point the economy expansion rate in 2010 is 20 percent. 5. The ICP was 96 of every 1982, and the ICP was 208 out of 2010. What amount of cash would you have required in 201 0 so as to purchase what you could have purchased with $500 in 1982? Keeps an eye on. $1 ,083. 33 6. The purchaser value file was 25 of every 2006 and 234 out of 2007. The ostensible financing cost during this period was 6. 5 percent. What was the genuine loan cost during this period? Keeps an eye on. 2. 5 percent 7. On the off chance that Philippine genuine GAP develops by 7% while its populace develops by 2%, at that point genuine per capita pay will develop by 5%8. What's more, its per capita salary utilizing the standard of 70 will twofold in 14 years. 9. In one day Madison Laundry washed 4,000 pounds of clothing with 5 laborers who each worked 8 hours. What was its efficiency? Keeps an eye on. 1 00 pounds of clothing for each hour 10. Stock in Creole Cuisine Restaurants is selling at $25 per share. Creole Cuisine had profit Of $5 an offer and a profit yield Of 5 percent. The profit is $1. 25 11. While the PIE proportion 5. VII. Assume that in a shut economy GAP is equivalent to 1. 000, charges are equivalent to 2,500 utilization rises to 7,500 and government buys equivalent 2,000. 1. Private sparing = 1000 2. Open sparing = 500 3. National sparing = 1500 Assume the accompanying data for a fanciful, shut economy. Hole $120,000; utilization $70,000; private sparing $9,000; national sparing = $12,000. 4. For this economy, venture adds up to $12,000. 5. The administration is running a financial plan (deficiency, excess) surplus 6. Al to $3000. 7. For this economy, government buys sum to $38,000. 8. For this economy, charges add up to $41*000. 1 . Assume the market for alienable assets is in harmony and the administration raises the duty on the premium earned by savers. This will cause (request, flexibly) gracefully for alienable assets to (increment, decline) decline _ so that the (request, flexibly) flexibly bend movements (to one side, right) left. In the new balance, the genuine loan fee is (higher, lower) higher and the harmony amount of alienable assets (builds, diminishes) diminishes. In he new harmony sparing is (more noteworthy than, equivalent to, not exactly) equivalent to venture. 2. Assume the market for alienable assets is in harmony and the administration evacuates the expense motivators it used to give firms that utilized their benefits to contribute.. This will cause (request, flexibly) interest for alienable assets to (increment, decline) decline so that the (request, gracefully) request bend movements (to one side, right) left. In the new harmony, the genuine loan cost is (higher, lower) higher and the balance amount of alienable assets (builds, diminishes) diminishes.. 3. Assume the administration financial plan is at first adjusted and the market for alienable assets is in balance when the legislature diminishes its spending and causes a spending excess. This will cause (request, gracefully) flexibly for alienable assets to (increment, decline) increment so that the (request, gracefully) gracefully bend movements (to one side, right) right. In the new harmony, the genuine financing cost is (higher, lower) lower and the balance amount of alienable assets (builds, diminishes) increments. In the new harmony private speculation is (higher, lower) higher. IX. Utilize the accompanying table to fill in the spaces. Numbers are in millions. Absolute Population of working age: 139. 7 Number of Unemployed: Number of utilized: 57 92. 3 a. The work power is 98 million. B. The quantity of people not in the work power is 41. 7 million. C. The work power cooperation rate is 70 percent. D. The joblessness rate is 5. 8 percent. X. The figure underneath shows a chart of the work advertise when a lowest pay permitted by law is forced. 1. On the off chance that the market for laborers is in balance at $5. 00 every hour as appeared in this outline, the quantity of laborers jobless is zero. 2. A lowest pay permitted by law of $8. 00 every hour will expand joblessness by what number of laborers? 600 specialists.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
DegreeWorks - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
DegreeWorks - UGA Undergraduate Admissions DegreeWorks All undergraduate students at UGA now have access to DegreeWorks, a web-based tool used to assist students in monitoring progress toward degree completion. This program combines degree requirements and coursework completed into an easy-to-read worksheet which helps students see how courses completed satisfy requirements as well as what courses are still needed to complete the degree. DegreeWorks is not meant to replace academic advising, rather it is a tool that can be utilized to help facilitate and aid academic advising. All new students should have access to DegreeWorks as soon as your MyID has been created. If you have completed college coursework prior to enrolling at UGA, use this program to see how your courses transferred and how they are satisfying your degree requirements. Do you have AP/IB/SAT II scores that you have submitted to UGA? Log in to see what credit you have received for these scores. Make your advising appointment more efficient at Orientation by logging in now!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Pros And Cons For Drugs - 1605 Words
The Pros and Cons for â€Å"Me-Too†Drugs in the Drug Discovery Process Introduction: What are â€Å"me-too†drugs? According to Segen’s Medical Dictionary (2012); â€Å"Me-too†drug is a popular term for a generic medication that has the similar formulation and similar indications as a therapeutic agent that the FDA has previously approved. But are â€Å"me-too†drugs really the same as generic drugs? To understand the pros and cons of â€Å"Me-too†Drugs we need to: Explain the FDA’s standards of approval and how brand and generic drugs are developed for FDA approval. Use the Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT ANALYSIS) to analyze the rationale for â€Å"me-too†drugs and: - find reasons why pharmaceutical companies make â€Å"me too†drugs. - Show cost effectiveness and affordability through the economic evaluation of â€Å"me-too†drugs 1. Clinical drug development has a high rate of failure due to: †¢ The complexness of the human body with multiple biochemical pathways that may be involved in diseases. †¢ The challenges of designing therapeutic new small or large molecular entities (NMEs). †¢ Circumstantial difficulties such as budgets, limited resources, expertise, experience and a need for a diverse patient population 2. The Drug Production Pipeline Bottleneck The standard method used in the development of new treatments is the randomized clinical trial. The research and development process goes through several phases, takes approximately 17 years and may cost investors anShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Drugs970 Words  | 4 Pageslegalization of all forms of drugs. Studies have shown the positive and negative long-term consequences of drug use. In the following we will discuss pros and cons: Pros: 1) The legalization of drugs can create tax revenue for the government. 2) It can reduce government expenditures 3) The ill may benefit First, the government can benefit from the tax revenue coming from the sale of drugs. Higher taxes can be added to the manufactures that are providing the drugs. From there that money can beRead MorePros And Cons Of War On Drugs889 Words  | 4 PagesWar on Drugs Introduction In 1971, President Nixon created the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 commonly known as the War on Drugs. The war on drugs was implemented to combat production, distribution, and consumption of illegal drugs (Olaya Angel, 2017). In 2007, law enforcement officers made approximately two million drug arrests in the United States (Potter, 2014). Supporters state that the war on drugs was successful because it lowered some drug users in the UnitedRead MorePros And Cons Of Drug Legalization1914 Words  | 8 Pages Pros and Cons of Drug Legalization With the onslaught of states slowly legalizing the commercialization and use of marijuana after the passing of sanctioning initiatives led by Colorado and Washington in 2012, societal attitudes have begun to support this movement in the decriminalization of marijuana for personal use. Based on the 2014 midterms, momentum for this change has been shown in different parts of the U.S., with states such as Oregon, Alaska, and Washington D.C. joining this causeRead MorePros and Cons of Drug Legalization Essay1476 Words  | 6 PagesThe Pros and Cons of Drug Legalization Should drugs be legalized ? Drugs are resources that are capable of affecting theAmerican economy in many ways--both positively and negatively. Drugs often have a bad name even though they help us everyday in medical cases. and the drugs with the worst reputations are not the most abused drugs One may benefit from the legalization of drugs in many ways, while others would suffer greatly. Almost every person in the United States has their ownRead MorePros And Cons Of Juvenile Drug Courts1589 Words  | 7 Pages Drug Courts Haley Klimesh Community-Based Corrections September 29, 2017 Drug Courts Drug courts are problem solving courts that take a public health approach using a specialized model in which the judiciary, prosecution, defense bar, probation, law enforcement, mental health, social service, and treatment communities work together to help addicted offenders into long-term recovery. Drug courts began in 1989 in Florida, because it was assumed that people that had first timeRead MorePros and Cons of Recreational Drug Use Essay1268 Words  | 6 PagesIt is no secret that drug use has the ability to completely alter a person’s state of consciousness, whether it be through extreme euphoria, increased hyperactivity, pain relief or psychedelic hallucinations. Although many drugs are used for medical purposes, the global issue of recreational drug use is now being fronted as an extremely serious matter that is steadily on the uprise. Recreational drug use is often associated with negativity, addiction and as having serious physical and mental repercussionsRead Mor eEssay The Pros and Cons of Using Sports Enhancing Drugs 741 Words  | 3 PagesDrugs are good for you so you can get better at the sports you love and get stronger and get faster and faster and faster â€Å"brah†you can get as big as you can you could look like a balloon animal like really really big balloon animal thats why I think drugs should be good for you. People could use steroids, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, meth, and a lot more of drugs to use. So the players get pumped for the game. Its like their coffee in the morning to like wake up and get ready. The sports thatRead MorePros And Cons Of Mandatory Minimum Sentences1008 Words  | 5 Pagesleast a minimum number of years in prison. The article I picked to review is an article on mandatory minimum sentences. The article reviews the pros and cons of mandatory sentencing. I will go over the pros and cons described in the article and give my opinion on how I feel about them. Staring with the pros of mandatory minimum sentences, the first pro is that mandatory minimum sentences discourage people from committing crimes. In the United States reportedly experienced a drop in crime whenRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?935 Words  | 4 PagesI never dreamed that one-day people could walk into a retail store and buy marijuana! The states of Colorado and Washington are already allowing this (Pro Con 2014 p.20). I feel strongly that the drug marijuana should not be legalized. Marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug (Pro Con 2014 p.19). When Colorado legalized this their â€Å"state went from the healthiest in the nation to one with thousands of mostly young adults in need of medical treatment (Congressional 2014 p.5). To me this isRead MoreThe Prison System And The Jail System1352 Words  | 6 Pagespolitical action memo that I will be discussing is about the jail system. First, I will define the jail system, and what this system can do for the citizens. Second address the cons and pros about the jail system by illustrating the topic into main bullet points. Third, voice my thoughts about the jail system with adding pros and cons to a political action I should address, and concluding which action I am going to take to further y concern about the jail system. When hearing about the jail system, this
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
About the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a military alliance of countries from Europe and North America promising collective defense. Currently numbering 29 nations, NATO was formed initially to counter the communist East and has searched for a new identity in the post-Cold War world. Background In the aftermath of the Second World War, with ideologically opposed Soviet armies occupying much of Eastern Europe and fears still high over German aggression, the nations of Western Europe searched for a new form of military alliance to protect themselves. In March 1948 the Brussels Pact was signed between France, Britain, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg, creating a defence alliance called the Western European Union, but there was a feeling that any effective alliance would have to include the US and Canada. In the US there was widespread concern about both the spread of Communism in Europe – strong Communist parties had formed in France and Italy - and potential aggression from Soviet armies, leading the US to seek talks about an Atlantic alliance with the west of Europe. The perceived need for a new defensive unit to rival the Eastern bloc was exacerbated by the Berlin Blockade of 1949, leading to an agreement that same year with many nations from Europe. Some nations opposed membership and still do, e.g. Sweden, Ireland. Creation, Structure, and Collective Security NATO was created by the North Atlantic Treaty, also called the Washington Treaty, which was signed on April 5th 1949. There were twelve signatories, including the United States, Canada and Britain (full list below). The head of NATOs military operations is the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, a position always held by an American so their troops don’t come under foreign command, answering to the North Atlantic Council of ambassadors from member nations, which is led by the Secretary General of NATO, who is always European. The centrepiece of the NATO treaty is Article 5, promising collective security: an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all; and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area. The German Question The NATO treaty also allowed for the alliance’s expansion among European nations, and one of the earliest debates among NATO members was the German question: should West Germany (the East was under rival Soviet control) be re-armed and allowed to join NATO. There was opposition, invoking the recent German aggression which caused World War Two, but in May 1955 Germany was allowed to join, a move which caused upset in Russia and led to the formation of the rival Warsaw Pact alliance of Eastern communist nations. NATO and the Cold War NATO had, in many ways, been formed to secure West Europe against the threat of Soviet Russia, and the Cold War of 1945 to 1991 saw an often tense military standoff between NATO on one side and the Warsaw Pact nations on the other. However, there was never a direct military engagement, thanks in part to the threat of nuclear war; as part of NATO agreements nuclear weapons were stationed in Europe. There were tensions within NATO itself, and in 1966 France withdrew from the military command established in 1949. Nevertheless, there was never a Russian incursion into the western democracies, in large part due to the NATO alliance. Europe was very familiar with an aggressor taking one country after another thanks for the late 1930s and did not let it happen again. NATO After the Cold War The end of the Cold War in 1991 led to three major developments: the expansion of NATO to include new nations from the former Eastern bloc (full list below), the re-imagining of NATO as a ‘co-operative security’ alliance able to deal with European conflicts not involving member nations and the first use of NATO forces in combat. This first occurred during the Wars of the Former Yugoslavia, when NATO used air-strikes first against Bosnian-Serb positions in 1995, and again in 1999 against Serbia, plus the creation of a 60,000 peace keeping force in the region. NATO also created the Partnership for Peace initiative in 1994, aimed at engaging and building trust with ex-Warsaw Pact nations in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, and later the nations from the Former Yugoslavia. Other 30 countries have so far joined, and ten have become full members of NATO. NATO and the War on Terror: The conflict in the former Yugoslavia had not involved a NATO member state, and the famous clause 5 was first – and unanimously - invoked in 2001 after terrorist attacks on the United States, leading to NATO forces running peace-keeping operations in Afghanistan. NATO has also created the Allied Rapid Reaction Force (ARRF) for faster responses. However, NATO has come under pressure in recent years from people arguing it should be scaled down, or left to Europe, despite the increase in Russian aggression in the same period. NATO might still be searching for a role, but it played a huge role in maintaining the status quo in the Cold War, and has potential in a world where Cold War aftershocks keep happening. Member States 1949 Founder Members: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France (withdrew from military structure 1966), Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom, United States1952: Greece (withdrew from military command 1974 – 80), Turkey1955: West Germany (With East Germany as reunified Germany from 1990)1982: Spain1999: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland2004: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia2009: Albania, Croatia2017: Montenegro
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ph Scale Free Essays
The pH Scale is a scale made to show how acidic or alkaline a substance is. The pH of something is measured with pH paper which can vary from wide range paper, which covers all ph’s, but is not as accurate at some others. There are pH papers that get very specific that can have a range such as 2 or 3 and get much more precise. We will write a custom essay sample on Ph Scale or any similar topic only for you Order Now The neutral on the scale is 7. Anything that is below 7 is considered acidic and anything above 7 is considered alkaline. Acidic substances contain more H+ than OH-. H+ stands for a positively charged hydrogen ion and OH- stands means a negatively charged hydroxide ion. This means something with the pH level of 4 is more acidic than something with the pH level of 9. When an acidic substance is out into another substance the original substance turns more and more acidic. The acids will begin to break down the proteins. The opposite happens with an Alkaline substance. The Alkaline has a negative charge so when placed into a substance it pushes the substance away and then quickly blends in. The proteins do not get broken down, they all mix together and become paler. The reason why pH is important in biology is because the pH of a cells interior helps regulate the cell’s chemical reactions. The cells in the human body need to regulate the chemical reactions in order to grow and to survive. For example, urine has the pH level of 6, which is slightly acidic, and blood has the pH level of about 7. 4 which is slightly alkaline. When the pH of blood changes it is often caused from a failed kidney function. Humans are not the only thing with pH in them however. All living animals have pH inside of them, however our blood pH’s and theirs can vary greatly. Animals such as crabs and clams have a acidic blood pH. Others like dogs have a blood that has a pH level that is alkaline. Conclusion: After observing the effects of an Alkaline and acidic substance on a neutral substance I am able to conclude that the pH level changes. When an Alkaline substance is added to a neutral substance the pH level rises due to the amounts of OH-. Eventually the pH level did even out. When the alkaline substance is added it also causes the substance to loose color. The Acidic substance has quite the opposite effect. When added to the milk the milks pH level dropped and became acidic. The milk became a grayish color and began to chunk up. Eventually the milks pH level did level off and the milk became more like a liquid again. With this being said when an acidic or alkaline substance is added to something, they not only change the pH level, but also they change the appearance. How to cite Ph Scale, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The book 1776 free essay sample
The book starts off with the battle of Bunker Hill, where the Americans are defeated by the British. The Americans recovered and attempted an attack on Boston. The British were caught by surprise, causing them to surrender and retreat back to England on their ships. The American spirit could not be any higher and Washington earned many great honors. After returning back from England, the British victory would no longer last. They had with them a substandard navy that would leave the America’s speechless. America’s then went to New York and lost Boston with no trouble. The British highly underestimated the Americans and thought they could defeat them without any problems. Americans were then forced to retreat to New Jersey, causing them to lose valuable territories. Many Americans contradicted themselves and went back to the British to show their loyalty towards the king. The British then had many more defeats and retreats by General Washington and his inexperienced army. We will write a custom essay sample on The book 1776 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While British had many navy based ports, Washington was suffering from his loss with other states. Washington’s army soon began to doubt him, but kept everyone all together. The turning point came when Washington demanded his army to cross the Delaware River and then began the Battle of Trenton. It was the first battle that gave the Americans hope for the cause after the British evacuation of Boston in 1775. Washington was beginning to become a mythical figure after he led the defeat of the British and pushed them back out of Trenton. 1776 focuses tightly on the events of one single year, one that saw 13 colonies of British North America break with the mother country and commence the long and bloody struggle to form a new nation. McCulloughs account brings us closer than ever to the familiar figures of the conflict, such as George Washington and King George III, while introducing us to a larger cast of characters whose lives history has nearly overlooked, the soldiers and citizens whose sacrifices made the new republic possible. On its publication in 2005, McCulloughs 1776 received glowing reviews and became an instant bestseller. David McCullough was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. As a student at Yale he met the author Thornton Wilder, and after considering careers in politics and in the arts, was inspired to become an author. After college McCullough moved to New York City and worked as an editorial assistant at Sports Illustrated. Swept up by the excitement of the Kennedy era, he moved to Washington and became an editor and writer at the United States Information Agency. In 1964, he became a full time editor and writer for American Heritage. He wrote his first book at night and on weekends while working full time. The Johnstown Flood, inspired by the great catastrophe that struck his native region in 1889, was an unexpected bestseller in 1968. Its success emboldened him to quit his job and commit to a full time writing career. Since then he has published a series of many different types of history and biography books, all of which have won a giant popularity with the reading public. The Great Bridge (1972) recounted the building of Brooklyn Bridge. The book has served as the basis of a memorable documentary film, which was nominated for an Academy Award. David McCulloughs own voice was heard as the narrator of this film, and of The Johnstown Flood. In Mornings on Horseback (1981), McCullough recounted the youth of President Theodore Roosevelt. The book won him a second National Book Award, this time for Biography. In the 20 years since McCullough has taken an interesting interest in the lives and character of Americas presidents. He was awarded his first Pulitzer Prize in 1993 for his biography of President Truman, and is often called upon to discuss the presidency in the news media. At the time of his interview with the Academy of Achievement, David McCullough had begun work on a biography of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. The second and third presidents were allies in the struggle for independence, but became unpleasant rivals in the early years of the republic. After their back-to-back presidencies, they resigned and carried on a warm and intriguing correspondence for the rest of their lives. By an unexpected coincidence, they died on the same day, July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of Americas independence. As his work on the book progressed, McCullough became increasingly intrigued with the character of John Adams. Convinced that Adams had not received his historic due, in comparison with the more celebrated Jefferson, McCullough decided to dedicate his entire book to Adams. The result topped The New York Times bestseller list from the week it went on sale, and won the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Biography. McCullough continued to explore the events and personalities of the revolutionary era in 1776. In the process of writing the book, David McCullough was so interested in researching more on John Adams. He went back to the date of when John Adams had signed the Declaration of Independence and stopped researching on the date America had finally signed the Peace Treaty. All of the events that led up to then were all in chronological order and were in basic details. As he was researching, he came across General George Washington and decided to research him some more too. He had found out that due to his inexperienced self, the America’s had lost everything that they ever had. Eventually they gained it back, whenever they signed the Peace Treaty with Britain. While reading this book, I found out the basic history of the mid 1770’s and how America had gotten everything that they once owned back. David McCullough expressed the important dates very well. The way he started this book was marvelously outstanding. It actually allowed me to open and feel like I was there whenever I was reading it. Nothing else would have taught me so much more than this one. During the reading, I noticed how David McCullough kept mentioning General George Washington and his army. Seeing how he was not there whenever the wars and the Declaration of Independence was being signed, he managed to go back and research tons of information that allowed him to express his thoughts. It sort of inspired me to look further more into history about the United States.
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